Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

God’s Favor and Wealth


If you will believe for the favor of God to be in
operation in your life, you will find yourself in
places and situations where the favor of God
will be pouring out all over you.

There is no limit to increase. Don’t just be sat-
isfied with having enough for your own needs.
Think of others. Be a blessing to them.

Blessing is not made to stop. Blessing is made
to continue on. It’s ok to increase. It’s ok to
have abundance.

It’s nobody’s business but ours and God’s. So
keep tithing and sowing and giving and increa-
sing and increasing and increasing.

We are talking about God’s favor and how His
favor is connected to wealth.

What Is The Favor of God?

Favor is the same word for grace—
God’s kindness and help extended toward us in
every way.
The favor of God produces promotion, restorat-

ion, honor, victory, recognition, preferential
treatment and supernatural increase in assets
and real estate.

The favor of God produces supernatural
increase in assets and real estate. It doesn’t
matter what the economic times are. The
Kingdom of Heaven is not governed by this
earth. We are not subject to the times. The
times are subject to the Kingdom of God and
the faith that we walk in. And if you will
believe for the favor of God to be in operation
in your life, you will find yourself in places and
situations where the favor of God is just pour-
ing out all over you.

And people will treat you differently. They will
say things like, ‘we are not supposed to do it
this way but for you…..”

That’s the favor of God!

Debts have been cancelled by the favor of God.
Bills have been paid by the favor of God.

The favor of God is God personally acting on
your behalf doing for you whatever it takes for
you to prosper, thrive, flourish and be the
success you were created to be.

The favor of God will cause people to go out of
their way to bless you, provide for you, help
you, assist you and make special concessions
just for you.

The favor of God will make a way where there
is no way, open doors where are no doors,
provide where there is no provision and do the
absolute impossible in the midst of the most
impossible situations.

We are to be confessing that “the favor of God
is working on our behalf right now“. [REPEAT]

Right now we have favor. We have favor with
God and man all the time.

Jesus increased in wisdom and in favor with
God and man. And it is available to us also.
We are increasing in the favor of God. We can
find the connection of the favor of God and the
increase in assets and real estate.

The Favor of God Will Increase Assets and
Real Estate

Psalm 84:11 (AMP): “The Lord God is a Sun
and Shield;; the Lord bestows [present] grace
and favor and [future] glory! No good thing
will He withhold from those who walk

That’s our part. We are to walk in line with
the Word of God. We need to walk ‘with’ Him
and ‘in’ Him. It says the Lord bestows His
grace, which is His help, He bestows favor
upon us, which is God extending Himself
toward us, and he bestows this glory, this
presents of Himself. He comes Heavy with
everything good. God’s favor is His pouring
out His goodness, His assets and His real

Psalm 44:3: “They got not the land in
possession by their own sword, neither did
their own arm save them: but thy right hand,
and thine arm, and the light of thy counten-
ance, because thou hadst a favour unto them.”

Here is talking about the children of Israel
possessing the land, real estate. The favor of
God is working on our behalf. And it brings

into our household the favor of God’s assets
and bring in real estate.

Things are given to us because of His favor.
He makes ways where there are no ways, so
we have to believe God for His favor. We
must reach out and take it.

Deuteronomy 33:23: “And of Naphtali he said,
O Naphtali, satisfied with favour and full with
the blessing of the Lord: possess thou the west
and the south.”
....NLT: “…You are rich in favor and full of the

Lord’s blessings: may you Possess the west
and the south.” We are rich with the favor of
God! His favor is available to us. We need to
develop ourselves in the favor of God. We can
not forget or let go of the favor of God.

Exodus 3:21: “I will give this people favour in
the sight of the Egyptians: and it shall come to
pass, that, when ye go,ye shall not go empty.”

Not one pauper or feeble was among them
when they left Israel. It was the favor of God
that got the Egyptians to give to the Israelites
their possessions. They loaded them with silver
and gold.
.....NLT: “…I will see to it that the Egyptians
treat you well. They will load you down with
gifts so you will not leave empty-­handed.”

Now this is the wealth of the sinner laid up for
the just and it’s the favor of God upon them.

Joseph is a good example of someone who had
the favor of God upon him. No matter how far
down he got, the favor of God raised him up.
He was a slave. The favor of the Lord was upon
him constantly.

Genesis 39:1-6: “And Joseph was brought
down to Egypt; and Potiphar, an officer of
Pharaoh, captain of the guard, an Egyptian,
bought him of the hands of the Ishmaelites,
which had brought him down thither. And the
Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosper-
ous man; and he was in the house of his
master the Egyptian.

And his master saw that the Lord was with
him, and that the Lord made all that he did
to prosper in his hand. And Joseph found
grace in his sight, and he served him: and
he made him overseer over his house, and
all that he had he put into his hand. And it
came to pass from the time that he had
made him overseer in his house, and over
all that he had, that the Lord blessed the
Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake; and the
blessing of the Lord was upon all that he had
in the house, for Joseph’s sake; and the
blessing of the Lord was upon all that he had
in the house, and in the field. And he left all
that he had in Joseph’s hand; and he knew
not aught he had, save the bread which he
did eat. And Joseph was a goodly person, and
well favored.” He became pharaoh’s righthand
man. He pretty much ran the prison. He had
favor with all of them.

Today Is the Day of God’s Favor

Luke 4:18-­21 (AMP): “The Spirit of the Lord
[is] upon Me, because He has anointed Me [the
Anointed One, the Messiah] to preach the good
news (the Gospel) to the poor; He has sent
Me to announce release to the captives and
recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as
delivered those who are oppressed [who are
downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken
down by calamity], To proclaim the accepted
and acceptable year of the Lord [the day when
salvation and the free favors of God profusely
abound]. Then He rolled up the book and gave
it back to the attendant and sat down; and the
eyes of all in the synagogue were gazing
[attentively] at Him. And He began to speak to
them: Today this Scripture has been fulfilled
while you are present and hearing.”
Psalm 5:12: The favor of God surrounds us.
Proverbs 14:9: The favor of God is among us.
Luke 2:14 (NIV): The favor of God rests upon us.
Genesis 12:2 (AMP): God blesses us with an

abundant increase of His favors.

Say, over and over and over,
“The favor of God is working on my behalf !

The Blessing of the Lord Makes Rich


We don’t store and horde, we obey God with
what He gives us and He will increase us.

In these economic times, God wants us to
prosper. He wants us to be a symbol and a
source of the blessing; not limited by the
economy. We are not limited by the natural
realm. We have made deposits in Heaven
and the Bank of Heaven is in good shape.

Sowing and reaping is not dependent upon
how the economy is going or how the stock
market is going.

It works every time and God’s kingdom is on
the increase. So we are to be increasing.

It is God’s will for us to prosper.

Proverbs 10:22—The Blessing of the Lord, It
Makes Rich, and He Adds No Sorrow to It

Money without sorrow! What a good thing!
We have seen people that have much money
and that have had tremendous sorrow in their
lives. Physical attacks on their bodies. Their
families are full of strife.

The Godly rich are different. There is a way to
conduct ourselves; the rich and the righteous
have a way of conducting themselves.
We are taught that in the Bible; so that the
blessings of the Lord makes us rich and no
sorrow would be added to it.

AMP: “The Blessing of the Lord—it makes
[truly] rich, and He adds no sorrow with it
[neither does toiling increase it].”

So there is no toil in the increase of God.
It’s the blessing. That doesn’t mean we
don’t work. It means that we won't have
to work longer or harder. But we are to do
whatever the Lord tells us to do about our
life occupation.

We have a calling, everybody has a calling.
Whether in business or the ministry, we are
to be where God has us. And the blessing
of the Lord will make us rich and He will
add no sorrow to it.

NIV: “The Blessing of the Lord brings wealth,
without painful toil [trouble] for it.”

Brenton translation: “The Blessing of the Lord
is upon the head of the righteous; it enriches
him, and grief of heart shall not be added to it.”

No grief added and we are being enriched.

GNB translation: “It is the Lord’s Blessing that
makes you wealthy….”

Psalm 112: The Bible definition of “rich".

1 Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that
feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his

2 His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the
generation of the upright shall be blessed.

3 Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and
his righteousness endureth for ever.

4 Unto the upright there ariseth light in the
darkness: he is gracious, and full of com-
passion, and righteous.

5 A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth: he
will guide his affairs with discretion.

6 Surely he shall not be moved for ever: the
righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.

7 He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his
heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD.

Rich Is Not a Dirty Word—It Is a Bible Word
we must be clear about that.

Rich (HEB) AWSHAR = accumulate and grow;
wax great

Abraham was rich with cattle, silver and gold.
Isaac sowed in famine and he waxed great.
He was the riches man on earth at that time.
And it is the will of God for us to wax great.

Satan would fight the message of prosperity.
Even people that are Christians because they
have been taught poverty is a blessing.
Poverty is a curse! Abundance is a blessing!

God wants to establish His covenant and He
gives us the power to be wealthy in order to
do that.

God is not opposed to His children being rich;
He is opposed to them being covetous. He is
prospering them so they can give and give
and give. We prosper for covenant reasons
not for covetous reasons.

Our motivation for accumulation is distribution.

1 Timothy 6:17-­18—Charge Them That Are
Rich in this world
Don’t be high-­minded
Don’t trust in riches, but in the living God
Do good
Be rich in good works
Be ready to distribute, willing to give

That’s the way to stay rich!!!

We have people in the world writing books on
prosperity; How much more should we be
walking in The Blessing of God’s covenant

2 Corinthians 8:9 (NLT): “You know the
generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he
became poor, so that by his poverty he
could make you rich.”

He wants us to get way beyond a “paycheck
to paycheck, barely surviving lifestyle. We
have been redeemed from the curse.

We get what we say, Mark 11:23 and 24. We
are saying what we have not what we want
and getting more of it. We go to the world and
find out what God says about it and say that.
We are to say what God says. And believe
what He says and go over His words everyday.

We are not to store and horde but to obey God
with what He gives us, this causes increase to
come to us.

God shows us great things in His Word. Things
that are applicable to us, today.

Deuteronomy chapter 28 tells us that He will
bless us in the city, and He will bless us in the
field [whatever we are doing in our lives that
He approves of].

Our God is THE “Million Maker”
Ezekiel 16:7 “I have caused thee to multiply
as the bud of the field, and thou hast Increased
and waxen great, and thou are come to
excellent ornaments….”

Excellent ornaments (HEB) = fine outfits
to multiply (HEB) = I have made you a million

We know what to do with wealth. We tithe,
we sow, we are generous, and we are people
who give when the Lord tells us to give.

We have to get out beyond what we can do
ourselves and trust God to supernaturally

Proverbs 8:17-­21 (AMP): Riches and honor
are with the Lord, enduring wealth.

Recession doesn’t stop it, depression doesn’t
stop it, lack doesn’t stop it!

(KJV—durable riches) and righteousness. The
Lord causes those that love Him to inherit true
riches and He fills my treasures.

The ones who love Him are the ones who does
His Word.

Deuteronomy 8:18 (NLT): “Remember the
Lord your God. He is the one who gives you
power to be successful, in order to fulfill the
covenant he confirmed with your ancestors
with an oath. He is the one that makes us
rich and he does it to fulfill the covenant
that He made with our ancestors."

Genesis 14:22-­23: “And Abram said to the
king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand
unto the Lord, the most high God, the
possessor of heaven and earth, that I will
not take from a thread even to a shoelatchet,
and that I will not take any thing that is thine,
lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram

God had made Abraham rich and He wasn’t
sharing that with anyone else. And God will
make us rich and He will see to it that we
can live debt free. That we can own homes
and vehicles without the burden of being the
borrower [the servant of the lender].

Jesus was made poverty so that we could be
made rich. We are living on the inside of the
most high God, the El Shaddi. So we are
walking in the blessing of the Lord!

God is not hindered by the world economy. He
is bigger than that. He is not hindered by any
situation here in the natural.

Receive and meditate on these words. Look up
the scriptures. Pray For revelation of His

The Heart of Prosperity


The definition of true prosperity

True prosperity is the ability to use the power
of God to meet the needs of
Mankind in every
realm of life, spirit, soul, body, financially, socially.

True prosperity is when you make it your need
to get salvation into the hands of people and
when you make it your purpose to feed the
gospel to the unsaved.

True prosperity is the ability to look a man in
the eye in his moment of
impossibility and
take his needs on as your own.

True prosperity is walking with God to be able
and equipped to do for others
whatever He
needs done, whenever He needs it done and
with whatever He needs it done.

True prosperity is not for keeping your bills
paid and your body well just so you can lie
around and watch TV in comfort. God is not
prospering us to get us out of debt so we can
get into bigger debt. He is not prospering us
so we can buy and buy and buy. He is
prospering us so we can give and give and

The heart of prosperity is our motivation for
accumulation for distribution.

A Rabbi shared. . .God’s Word commands us
to make money because we are His stewards
on earth with the responsibility to distribute
His wealth.

We are distributors of God’s wealth.

Genesis 12:2 (AMP): “I will make of you a
great nation, and I will bless you [with abun-
dant increase of favors] and make your name
famous and distinguished, and you will be a
blessing [dispensing good to others].”

It is one of the greatest things to be in the
position to give to others. To bring relief to
their lives.

To be a distributor is the heart of prosperity.

Philippians 2:4: “Look not every man on his
own things, but every man also on the things
of others.”
AMP: “…Be concerned for not [merely][your]
own interests, but also each for the interests
of others.

Galatians 6:10: “Let us practice generosity to
all while the opportunity is ours, and above all,
to those who are one family with us in the
household of faith.”

We are to put others needs above our own.

We need to know when to sow and to know
when to reap. By considering others needs
God will meet our needs.

1 Corinthians 10:24: “Let no man seek his
own, but every man another’s wealth.”
Let no man set his own advantage as his
objective, but let each seek the good of others.

To seek the good of others. “A man’s life con-
sists not in the abundance of the things he
possesses, but in the abundance of the things
he sows.” This is the heart of prosperity.

Giving Is at the Very Heart of Prosperity!

2 Corinthians 9:11 (NIV): “[As a result of your
giving] you will be enriched in every way so
that you can be generous on every occasion,
and through us your generosity will result in
thanksgiving to God.”
AMP: “Thus you will be enriched in all things
and in every way, so that you can be generous,
and [your generosity as it is] administered by
us will bring forth thanksgiving to God.”

God’s Word commands us to make money
because we are God’s stewards on earth with
the responsibility to distribute His wealth.

So the end result of prosperity is that we are
able to sow, able to be made generous.

Proverbs 11:24 “There is he that scatters and
yet increases.

He that waters will be watered himself.

It’s the plan of God!


Given unto Us

"According as his divine power hath given
unto us all things that pertain unto life and
godliness, through the knowledge of him
that hath called us to glory and virtue:"
2 Peter 1:3

Under the old covenant, God kept telling
Israel about the Messiah and Redeemer,
showing them pictures of redemption in
what is called types and shadows.

Thousands of years passed, and people
continued waiting for God's redemptive
promises to be fulfilled.

Then Jesus came to earth, fulfilling the
will of God through His death, burial and
resurrection. What was a promise is now
a fulfilled fact.

Now, God says, "I've done My part." The
responsibility to act switched from Him to