Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Jesus used a little child to illustrate humility. Even though little children have a purity and humility that is missing in adults, they are not selfless. A child comes into the world totally self-centered, wanting what he wants when he wants it. Parents are to train children out of this self-centeredness.
One of humility's characteristics is a God-dependency and not a self-sufficiency. The truth of humility being the key to greatness or success was not new. Jesus gave this truth new meaning by walking in humility as no one ever had before.
Self-denial to greatness is opposite to the world's exalting self at everyone else's expense. Humility couldn't possibly work if there was no God.
Humility is a step of faith, faith that God is the judge and that promotion comes from Him (Psalm 75:6-7), and faith that God will resist the proud but give grace unto the humble (1 Peter 5:5). 
Humility is trusting in God and not in ourselves. This is why it is easy to be humble when we've failed, and hard to be humble when we've achieved great success. This is why Paul commanded Timothy not to put a novice into a position of leadership in the church. Pride is self-sufficiency and self-exaltation.  Humility is self-denial and dependence upon God.
God's kingdom is founded upon this principle of humility before honor. God's kind of love is selfless as seen by Jesus' own actions. 
Pride is the only reason that strife comes (Proverbs 13:10); so remember, humility is the key to walking in love with our brothers and sisters in the Lord.