Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

From John 15:7 we understand that it is God's will to heal everyone, because it is God's will to answer prayers. God promises to answer any prayer that lines up with His Word.

We know that healing lines up with God's Word because Psalm 107:20 tells us God sent His Word to heal us.

We know healing lines up with His Word because Matthew 9:35 tells us Jesus went through all the cities and villages, teaching, preaching, and healing every sickness and disease among the people.

We know healing lines up with His Word because Hebrews 13:8 says Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Jesus said, "If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, you shall ask whatever you will and it shall be done."
We can receive all that Jesus bought and paid for through His death, burial and resurrection.

We know that faith operates on knowing God's will. So, we must look into God's Word where we can find His perfect will for every person to be born again and healed.

We must believe we receive, not when we see our answer; but when we pray (Mark 11:24). When we believe, the anointing begins to flow into our bodies whether we feel it or not. God's healing power begins to effect a healing in our physical bodies the moment we believe we receive.

Anyone can believe when they see or feel something. But as christians we are suppose to believe we receive our answer before we see or feel, because we believe the Word.

We are to say what we believe. Thank God for being healed by the stripes of Jesus.  He bore those stripes when they whipped Him before they hung Him on the cross.

Forgiveness of sin and healing of the physical body were paid for in His atonement for us on the cross.
Proverbs 4:20-22 literally says that God's Word is medicine/health to our flesh.

What if someone invented a medication that could cure anything wrong with the human body.  People would take that medicine faithfully to make sure it worked.

If we'd give God's promises on healing the same credibility that we give medicines, we would have 100 times the results.

God's words may be medicine to all our flesh, but just like medicine, we have to take it.  We take God's medicine by hearing it and hearing it and hearing it.  Romans 10:17 says, "So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

When we take the time to continually hear God's Word, our faith hooks up and releases God's power for our healing!
People who say, "God doesn't heal anymore," haven't read Hebrews 13:8.  It says that Jesus is the same now as He has ever been.  If He healed while He walked on this earth, He still heals today.

Most people believe it is God's will to heal some; but the big questions is, "Is it God's will to heal all?"

Some say, "Well, that can't be true because I know brother so and so, he wasn't healed."  If we go by the experiences of people, we might conclude it isn't God's will to heal anybody.

We must gather together all the experiences, traditions, doctrines, theories and denominationalism and just push it aside. We must look at nothing but God's Word and find out what He says.

For example: If you wanted to know my will about something, I hope you wouldn't go ask someone who doesn't know me because it's no telling what they might say!

Most people have done just that with God. If they want to know God's will, they've gone to people who don't even know Him and asked what they think.  That way we get all kinds of wild ideas, not having the slightest idea what the bible says.

So if we want to find God's will on any matter, we have to go to the bible to see what it says.
When we are really in the place where we feel completely connected to God, we have an instant peace. Everything makes sense and becomes centered in an instant. It's as if our spirit, soul and body are saying 'aahhh.'

Because we know what it feels like to be connected with God, we have become much more aware of how it feels when we've lost that connection.

When we learn that when we are not walking in that connection with God, we begin to feel insecure. Everything begins to feel out of sorts and we have to re-connect with God and His presence to make everything right again.

Another way we can tell if we are not connecting with God is that we begin to let outside influences affect our emotions and our decisions.

The place of connection with God is the place of rest. We are supposed to be walking in rest as much as possible every day and all day.

In a true rest we must cease from our labors and efforts; it means having a heart rest in all circumstances. 
Jesus makes it very clear that we must have faith and doubt not. Every believer has faith, but most believers also have an abundance of doubt that negates their faith. It is when we purify our faith and only believe, that victory comes.
Every Christian is at war. There is a perpetual struggle against Satan and his kingdom where there are no "leaves" or "discharges." Our enemy goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). Those who resist the devil will see him flee (James 4:7). The only ones whom he devours are those who don't actively fight against him.
The mind is the battlefield where thoughts and reasonings that are contrary to God's Word, need to be captured and submitted to Christ, our Commander.
Our rebel thoughts must be taken captive and made to submit to Christ. Our battle against the devil takes place right between our ears. The spiritual weapons given to us are designed for the purpose of taking EVERY thought captive and making them obedient to Christ. Keeping our minds completely stayed upon the Lord is an obtainable goal.
These weapons of ours are for the casting down of two things: Imaginations; and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Both of these areas are dealing with the mind. Focus on the good in every area of your life. Failure to recognize God's blessings in every day living will cause care and anxiety. Recognizing God's hand in even the smallest thing will cause peace and keep our hearts and minds following hard after the Lord.
Only Mark points out that Jesus would not allow anyone to carry any vessel through the temple. No explanation is offered as to why Jesus would not allow this. It is probable that Jesus wanted His Father's house to be dedicated completely to prayer and the ministry of God. 
As with the Sabbath, work symbolizes our own effort, and our own effort will always fall short of what God demands for salvation. Anything that resembled work was inappropriate in the house of God.
What are "works of the law?" Any rule, command or law that a person observes in an attempt to be accepted in right standing with God is a "work of the law." In other words, "works of the law" are a righteousness produced by one's self, a righteousness belonging to one's self, offered to God as a means of meeting God's standard for acceptance.
It takes a revelation of the gospel of grace to abandon faith in the works of the law. God's standard of righteousness is the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD alone. God has designed salvation in such a way as to eliminate any boasting from man. If salvation was by works either partially or wholly, then man could boast. 
But grace and faith eliminate man's boasting. Faith towards God and what He has done through Christ Jesus is the only means of receiving His free gift of salvation. Salvation by grace brings praise and glory to God. If we could save ourselves, either partially or wholly, we would take the credit for it. But that is not the case. 
All the glory goes to God.
When we, who are the temple of the Lord, are occupied with the cares of this life, the needs of others are not met. When we are cleansed (John 15:3), then the Lord can accomplish His ministry through us.
Jesus tells us not to worry or be anxious about our material needs being met. It would be impossible to never think about our physical needs, even Jesus thought about His need for money to pay taxes. We are simply not to be occupied with thinking about riches or spend time worrying about our necessities. They will be added unto us as we seek first the kingdom of God.
Prosperity can be damaging to the Body of Christ. God wants to bless His children with things, but a preoccupation with these things will choke God's Word and make it unfruitful. If we follow God's formula for prosperity found in Matthew 6:19-34, then the Word will bring forth fruit and we will enjoy the physical blessings of this life too.
There are people who have received God's Word, committed themselves to it to the degree that they are able to remain faithful in persecution, but because of being occupied with the affairs of this life, the Word sown in their heart is choked and no fruit is produced. Just as weeds in a garden will steal the nutrients and starve the plant, so the pleasures of this life, if we allow them to dominate our thinking, will stop the fruit of the Word from producing.
It takes time, effort, and diligence to be a fruitful Christian. It's quicker and easier to raise weeds than it is to raise tomatoes or corn. Let God's Word produce fruit.
Mark 11:14 says that Jesus "answered" this fig tree. The tree had not spoken to Him verbally but it communicated that it had figs by the leaves on it. It is a fact that a fig tree should have figs by the time the leaves are evident. A fig tree actually produces green figs before the leaves appear and if no figs are produced by that time, then the tree will not have any figs that year. This fig tree was professing something that it didn't have even though it was still too early for figs.
Not only plants, but other things can communicate with us too. Circumstances can tell you that you have failed. Your body can tell you that your prayer didn't work - the Lord didn't heal you, etc. You need to follow Jesus' example and answer these things with a positive statement of your faith.
What good could it do to talk to a tree or an inanimate object? God created the heavens, the earth, and everything that's in the earth, by His words (Hebrews 11:3). The whole creation was made by and responds to words. Our words, when spoken in faith, release either life or death (Proverbs 18:21). They also affect people, things, and circumstances. We can release the power that's in faith by our words.
Speaking God's Word in faith brings the Holy Spirit into action. In Luke 4, when Jesus was tempted of the devil for forty days, it was the Word of God that Jesus used to defeat the enemy at His temptation. We must take advantage of God's Word by placing it in our hearts so that the Holy Spirit may bring it to pass at the right time to accomplish a complete and total victory.