Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

When we are really in the place where we feel completely connected to God, we have an instant peace. Everything makes sense and becomes centered in an instant. It's as if our spirit, soul and body are saying 'aahhh.'

Because we know what it feels like to be connected with God, we have become much more aware of how it feels when we've lost that connection.

When we learn that when we are not walking in that connection with God, we begin to feel insecure. Everything begins to feel out of sorts and we have to re-connect with God and His presence to make everything right again.

Another way we can tell if we are not connecting with God is that we begin to let outside influences affect our emotions and our decisions.

The place of connection with God is the place of rest. We are supposed to be walking in rest as much as possible every day and all day.

In a true rest we must cease from our labors and efforts; it means having a heart rest in all circumstances.