Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

The dictionary says that to reconcile means to re-establish friendship between; to settle or resolve, as a dispute. The key to reconciliation is to effectively deal with the enmity, ill will, hatred, or hostility that caused the dispute.
The enmity between man and God was sin. God took the initiative to remove this barrier through Jesus Christ, that way  leaving man and God as friends once again.
We have received the ministry of reconciliation. That means we are in the ministry of reconciling people to God. 
Much of what people call the gospel today is actually alienating man from God. True, we need to show people their need for God to get them to receive His forgiveness and reconciliation, but the angry and bitter attitude some people have when confronting the sinner, is not right.
Imputing people's sins unto them was not the way God used Jesus to reconcile the world unto Himself. We should not focus on the problem of sin as much, but on the answer of God's grace (Romans 5:20).
When we read a newspaper, we read about things that have already happened. They are reporting the news. So our real job as ministers of reconciliation is to announce the good NEWS, which is an accomplished fact - that sin has already been dealt with through Jesus Christ. We should say, "Now we beseech you, be ye reconciled to God. Change your mind and believe the gospel so that you may partake of what has already been done on your behalf."