Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

LUKE 7:11-17
This example of the widow's son being raised from the dead is often used to demonstrate that Jesus produced many miracles without any faith from those receiving the miracle, but only by His faith. The prayer in Mark 6:5-6 shows that Jesus could not do many mighty works in His home town because of the people's unbelief. Many healings and miracles reveal that faith must be present to receive from God (Mark 11:23-24; James 1:5-7).
The mother of the boy responded to Jesus in faith because she allowed Jesus to interrupt the funeral procession and telling her to stop weeping has to be viewed as a positive response. These people were no different from mourners at any other funeral. If she had rebelled at Jesus' intrusion, the crowd would have sided with her because of pity, but none of these reactions are recorded. Jesus was in command.
It cannot be proven that a dead person has no choice in what happens. We may take it for granted, but the bible does't say that. A person doesn't cease to exist at death; he simply leaves his body. The person is still very much alive. Many people who have been raised from the dead have mentioned that they had a choice in whether or not to enter their bodies again. Although this principle cannot be verified by scripture, it cannot be ruled out by scripture either.
In any case, to be consistent with the rest of the word of God, some degree of faith had to be present in either the person receiving the miracle, or an intercessor, in this case, the mother.

Lets reach out in faith and receive our miracle now!