Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Much Opposition

"Lord, how are they increased that trouble
me! many are they that rise up against me.
Many there be which say of my soul, There

is no help for him in God. Selah.
But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my

glory, and the lifter up of mine head."
Psalm 3:1-3

David faced many enemies. Often they were
better equipped and his victory would be

But during those times, David learned to
depend on God. He realized that God was
a shield around him. God lifted his head and
encouraged him and gave him confidence.

These same principles are true for us! No
matter what devil we face, God is with us.
They may try to make us discouraged and
defeat us, but no matter the size or number
we can depend on God to be our shield and
the lifter of our heads.

He will renew us and give us strength. He
will remove fear and give us peace.

Get Understanding

"Consider what I say; and the Lord give
thee understanding in all things."
2 Timothy 2:7

Paul told Timothy that if he wanted
"understanding in all things", there was
something he needed to do. It wasn't
enough to read Paul's letters or listen
to his words. It wasn't enough to just
read the Law or even the Prophets

Timothy had to go further. He needed
to "consider" the words. He would have
to think, seek and ponder them.

For Timothy to receive understanding,
he would have to put in more effort.
He would have to absorb the words he
heard and read, mulling them over in
his mind, pondering what they meant,
studying, praying, seeking God, and
being sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

If he did, he would get "understanding
in all things."

This also goes for us. It is important
that we read God's Word, listen to
sermons and read books by anointed
authors; but to get deeper understanding
we must follow what Paul told Timothy.

God is ready to reward our faithfulness
and our desire to learn and grow.

Stir Up the Gift

"Wherefore I put thee in remembrance
that thou stir up the gift of God, which
is in thee by the putting on of my hands."
2 Timothy 1:6

Timothy was a special friend of Paul's.
Paul had 'laid hands' on him. He was
empowered by the Holy Spirit, anointed,
and called by God.

Paul, still, felt he was to remind Timothy
about 'stirring up the gift of God'. This
suggests that the gifts shown bright in his
life but the passion, anointing, and Holy
Spirit had grown dim. Timothy may have
let himself become spiritually weak, afraid,
timid and overwhelmed with cares.

The answer was to stir up the gift Timothy
had received. He needed to dedicate him
self more to God's Word and spend more
time listening to sound teaching.

That is what we have to do. Filled with the
Spirit, we can face life unafraid, knowing
that He is with us in every situation.


"So that thou incline thine ear unto
wisdom, and apply thine heart to
Yea, if thou criest after knowledge,
and liftest up thy voice for under-
If thou seekest her as silver, and
searchest for her as for hid
Then shalt thou understand the fear
of the LORD, and find the knowledge
of God.
For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of
his mouth cometh knowledge and
understanding." Proverbs 2:1-6

Like searching for buried treasure -
that is how we are to seek God and
His Word.

To find God and His character, we'll
have to dig, seek, ask and probe His
word diligently.

Some hope to put in as little effort as
possible, then they accept superficial
results and want everything to come

Many important insights aren't on the
surface. They only come with digging.

God has prepared blessings for us.
Wisdom, insight and understanding.
But we are advised that to receive
them, we are to seek them as if we
were seaching for silver and gold or
any other hidden treasure.

We must not be content with shallow,
and fleeting ideas that are popular to
the world. We need to look for God's
wisdom, understanding, knowledge,
and truths.

He has countless treasures for us but
they are buried in His Word.

More to reveal

"I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and
he heard me out of his holy hill." Selah.
Psalm 3:4

The word 'selah' is used 71 times in the book
of Psalms; 3 times in Psalm 3.

The meaning isn't clear. Some suggest that
it has a kind of musical instruction. But others
think it's a reminder to stop and think about
what was just said (or read).

In Psalm 3, we are to stop and think when
we realize what is said. We are to stop when
we realize that God hears us when we cry to
Him. And stop and think when we read that
'Salvation belongs to the Lord!'

These aren't just wise words, but they are
words with depth and understanding, with
insight and power.

Many are content to stay on the surface and
just read or listen without going deeper. They
aren't willing to consider that God may have
more to reveal.

They don't understand that reading the Bible
isn't an empty practice; but God delivering
His words to us as individuals.

He wants to instruct us, teach us, warn us,
speak to us, and change our lives.

But to get these deeper truths, we have to be
willing to spend the time and attention needed.

We need to stop and think about what God is
saying to us!

We need to ask for revelation and understand-
ing of what He is saying to us!

And then we need to make sure we listen and
do what He is telling us!

We need to ask Him for help to make this a
habit in our lives!