Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

More to reveal

"I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and
he heard me out of his holy hill." Selah.
Psalm 3:4

The word 'selah' is used 71 times in the book
of Psalms; 3 times in Psalm 3.

The meaning isn't clear. Some suggest that
it has a kind of musical instruction. But others
think it's a reminder to stop and think about
what was just said (or read).

In Psalm 3, we are to stop and think when
we realize what is said. We are to stop when
we realize that God hears us when we cry to
Him. And stop and think when we read that
'Salvation belongs to the Lord!'

These aren't just wise words, but they are
words with depth and understanding, with
insight and power.

Many are content to stay on the surface and
just read or listen without going deeper. They
aren't willing to consider that God may have
more to reveal.

They don't understand that reading the Bible
isn't an empty practice; but God delivering
His words to us as individuals.

He wants to instruct us, teach us, warn us,
speak to us, and change our lives.

But to get these deeper truths, we have to be
willing to spend the time and attention needed.

We need to stop and think about what God is
saying to us!

We need to ask for revelation and understand-
ing of what He is saying to us!

And then we need to make sure we listen and
do what He is telling us!

We need to ask Him for help to make this a
habit in our lives!