Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Get Understanding

"Consider what I say; and the Lord give
thee understanding in all things."
2 Timothy 2:7

Paul told Timothy that if he wanted
"understanding in all things", there was
something he needed to do. It wasn't
enough to read Paul's letters or listen
to his words. It wasn't enough to just
read the Law or even the Prophets

Timothy had to go further. He needed
to "consider" the words. He would have
to think, seek and ponder them.

For Timothy to receive understanding,
he would have to put in more effort.
He would have to absorb the words he
heard and read, mulling them over in
his mind, pondering what they meant,
studying, praying, seeking God, and
being sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

If he did, he would get "understanding
in all things."

This also goes for us. It is important
that we read God's Word, listen to
sermons and read books by anointed
authors; but to get deeper understanding
we must follow what Paul told Timothy.

God is ready to reward our faithfulness
and our desire to learn and grow.