Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Being Usable

John 2:24,
"But Jesus did not commit himself unto
them, because he knew all [men]."

JOHN 2:18-25

This was the first time Jesus had ministered
in Jerusalem.
Multitudes believed on Him when they saw
the miracles He performed (v. 23).
This looked like a perfect opportunity for
Jesus to take these people and use them to
spread the news far and wide that He was
the Christ.

Instead Jesus did just the opposite.
He didn't want people proclaiming His gospel
in their own ability.
This reveals an attitude of Jesus which is
lacking among many Christians today.

Jesus is more concerned with the quality of
ministry than the quantity of ministry.

Today's Christians often feel that "the end
justifies the means.
"We take new converts and place them in
leadership--which is directly opposed to
the Bible's instructions (1 Timothy 3:6).

Many times movie stars or other famous
people who have come to the Lord are
made spokesmen for the Christian faith.
This harms these people and the Body of
Christ as a whole.

Some of us can't understand why the Lord
hasn't used us, but be rest assured the Lord
is using everyone who is usable.

Instead of looking at the need and begging
God to use us, lets take a hard look at
ourselves and ask the Lord to make us