Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.


Mark 5:6,
"But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran
and worshipped him."

MATTHEW 8:28-34;
MARK 5:1-17;
LUKE 8:27-39

The word "worshipped" is taken from the
Greek word which means "to prostrate
oneself in homage to; do reverence to;

The fact that this tormented man ran to
Jesus, and not away from Him, indicates
that even "demon-possessed" people have
a free will and Satan cannot control an
individual without his consent.

Many battles have been fought over
whether or not a Christian can be demon

The Greek word for "possessed" literally
means "to be demonized."

The Bible makes no clear distinction
between degrees of demon activity (such as
oppressed, depressed, possessed, etc.), but
simply refers to people as being "demonized."

All Christians are fighting against spiritual
If we don't put on the whole armor of God,
Satan can certainly affect us or even control

The best way to administer deliverance is
through God's Word.
As a person receives the Word, it will set him
free and also help guard against this situation
when the demon tries to come back in with
seven other spirits.

In severe cases of being demonized, the
individual clearly needs the help of a
believer, and that's the reason why Jesus
equipped all believers with authority over
evil spirits.

Anointed praise and worship will also drive
off evil spirits.
One thing reserved for God alone is worship,

and the devil has always sought that.
If he can't be the one to receive worship,
then he seeks to turn others away from
giving true worship to the most High God.

Praise and worship to the Lord is such a
powerful tool against Satan.
He can't stand to see God worshipped.

Worship God today in spirit and in truth.
The Father seeks those who will worship
Him this way.