Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

There is special mention made of Jesus loving Martha. This is after the event recorded in Luke 10:38-42 where Martha is caught up with serving instead of worshipping Jesus and her priorities are still not in order. Jesus was not rebuking Martha but rather exhorting her for her own profit. 
When the Lord deals with problem areas in our lives, it is always for our profit, not punishment and we should not take it as rejection. This is one way to discern God's correction from the devil's condemnation.
God convicts us of sin but He doesn't condemn us. Conviction is for our profit with no malice while condemnation includes punishment. Satan is the one who condemns the Christian, but the Holy Spirit has given us the power to escape that condemnation. 
The way the Lord convicts a believer is through the inner ministry of the Holy Spirit. This is always done in a positive way that encourages us to turn from sin rather than the negative way of condemning us for having committed the sin.
A Christian who still walks in condemnation is being condemned by the devil or is condemning himself. Only those who are living in the power of the Holy Spirit escape condemnation. 
The law of sin and death still exists. If a Christian shuts off the power of the Spirit of life and begins to walk in the power of his own flesh, Satan will use this law of sin and death to condemn him and makes sure he crashes. 
It's not God who condemns us.