Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Some people have interpreted John 11:26 as saying that it is possible to never die. There are people who are believing that they will live physically until the second coming of Jesus, even if that is thousands of years away. It's understandable how someone could interpret this verse in that way, it's very doubtful that this is what Jesus truly meant.
A doctrine as profound as this would certainly be well documented in other parts of the bible. Other passages may sometimes be quoted as supporting this claim but they would not lead a person to this conclusion by themselves.
That is not a sound method of Bible interpretation. There isn't a single example of anyone who obtained this. That should make anyone suspect of this teaching. Enoch or Elijah might be cited as examples, but they were translated so that they didn't die. They are not still in their physical bodies on this earth.
There have been times in church history where certain truths were suppressed, such as the Baptism of the Holy Spirit or healing, and then revived through a move of God. But there was always a remnant of the church that continually experienced these blessings of God. 
It cannot be shown to be true with the belief that a believer can remain on the earth in his physical body until Jesus comes. 
This passage of scripture concerning never dying is generally accepted as referring to our eternal life that we receive at salvation. The promise of never dying spiritually is made many times in scripture and it is promised to every believer.