Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Symbolically, Lazarus is like many Christians. The Bible speaks of us passing from death unto new life when we get born again. But it is also true that in the physical and emotional realm, we bring our "graveclothes" from our old life with us (habits, attitudes, etc.), and we need to be "loosed" to fully enjoy our new life.
Our emotions and attitudes follow what we think. When we focus our attention on our problems, they are magnified out of proportion. When we neglect our problems and think on God's provision, the answer is magnified and the problem shrinks. 
Whatever we think upon is going to dominate us. If we think on depressing things, we'll be depressed. If we think on uplifting things, we'll be uplifted. If we think, "by His stripes, we are healed", we'll be healed. If we think on sickness, we'll be sick.
Godly contentment isn't dependent on our circumstances. That is totally opposite of the way most people think. No one really desires depression but very few feel any responsibility or authority to maintain positive emotions in the face of negative circumstances. 
They think emotions follow circumstances. That's not true. Emotions follow the way we think, and we can choose to think on things that are lovely, true, of good report, and so on regardless of our circumstances. As we think, is how we respond emotionally.
We must focus our attention on the invisible truths of the spiritual realm that are eternal, instead of the visible things of this physical world that will pass away.