Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up;Acts 1:9
  But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses Acts 1:8
And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.      Acts 1:7
For John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.    Acts 1:5
And, being assembled together with them,                   Acts 1:4

  To whom also he shewed himself alive                  Acts 1:3
  ...of all that Jesus began both to do and teach Acts 1:1-2
JOHN 20:29

Jesus said that the greatest faith He had ever seen was a faith that didn't have to see to believe. In Matthew 8:10 when the centurion asked for healing of his servant, Jesus was willing to go and heal him; but because of being a centurion, he was good with Jesus just speaking the healing right there. Jesus' response was the centurion had the greatest faith in all Israel.

Jesus said that Thomas had to see to believe but those who believed without seeing received a greater blessing. We are to walk by faith and not by sight.

Without faith it is impossible to please God and if we want to walk in greater faith, we have to believe and trust in the Word of God. His word is supernatural enough so we shouldn't need to see great things to believe.

No matter what we see, hear or experience, we are to believe God's promises just as those who received in the Bible, then He will marvel at our faith.

God's Word needs no confirmation and it must be the absolute authority in our lives.
3 JOHN 2

Jesus gave His life to deliver us from this present evil world, Galatians 1:4, and to give us abundant life, John 10:10.

John walked closely with Jesus and was inspired by the Holy Spirit and wrote that more than anything He wanted all Christians to be healthy and to prosperous even as our souls prosper. That is what Jesus died for.

Jesus said that if we see Him, we see the Father because He and the Father were in agreement about everything. So if God the Father loved us enough to sacrifice His Son to purchase us then He would do anything for our good. He doesn't enjoy or sympathize at our poverty and sickness.

God's Word is clear that our soul and life will prosper as we open our heart to His love and provisions; spirit, soul and body. Not believing this has caused many to see God only caring about eternal needs.

But our great salvation includes so much more! God's power is to be manifested here and now. We shouldn't live without the benefits Jesus died to give us. He is glorified when we prosper and be in health even as our souls prosper. It gives Him pleasure when we walk in His goodness.

Three of the temptations satan used on Jesus began with: "If you be the Son of God." Jesus was God, but He occupied a human body that had to grow in knowledge and wisdom of His Father God. Satan attacked Jesus' belief of who He was.

Satan knew that Jesus was hungry or he wouldn't have used the turning of stones into bread to try tempt Him to waiver in His faith concerning being the Son of God.

We, on the other hand, fall for satan's tricks because we are not sure of our standing as a child of God. If we really know who we are in Christ, we don't have to prove ourselves just as Jesus had.

It's a must to meditate on God's Word which is the only way to build our faith in the fact that we are Children of God.
JOHN 10:3

Jesus said that His sheep knew His voice and they do not know the voice of strangers. It seems most Christians experience the opposite. They hear the devil, the world and their flesh loud and clear but have a hard time hearing His voice.

Jesus told us that His sheep are sensitive to His voice and hard to hear anyone else. That should be us. We can be sure that the problem is our hearing and not God's speaking.

God speaks to us in different ways, like, through creation, His Word but few find the time to read, study and meditate on it. We get too busy making time for other things that fill our head and hearts with everything but Jesus. It's no wonder we have a hard time hearing Him if at all.

We need to make time and tune in to hear His voice so that we will hear Him more than anyone or anything else.

The just shall live by their faith. Faith is as much a part of our lives as eating or breathing. We are not to live by miracles of having our needs met each day.

Even though our faith should grow continuously to where we walk in God's blessing, like have our basic needs met, we still need to live by faith. Our faith is what helps us to connect with God and minister to others, which will meet our needs and produce our finances and health. Our whole life should be consumed with faith.

Everyone needs to live by faith and fellowship with the Lord all day, which takes faith. He meets our needs so we don't have to rely just on our jobs. We need Him to handle the pressures we confront every day. By walking constantly by faith we can help others and not just ourselves. We have other peoples miracles on the inside of us which can only be released as we live by faith.

Practice living by faith continuously and believing God to help others also. The just shall live by faith!
LUKE 4:4

Jesus was led into the wilderness and there He was tempted by the devil. He answered every temptation by saying, "It is written."

The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit, Ephesians 6:17 and it is the only spiritual weapon we have and Jesus showed us how to use it.

Jesus being the Word of God Himself, John 1:1, anything He would have said would have been the Word. He could have said 'scram' and the devil would have had to go. But, instead, He quoted the written Word, the same Word we have to use.

That means that the written Word of God is enough for us also. The Word kept and helped Him to overcome all temptation; He set this example for us to do the same.

No wonder the devil keeps us from studying and knowing what God wants us to know and what we can do or say to defeat him.

God's Word is a mighty weapon. Hell shakes when we speak it in faith. The devil and demons know the power of God's Word, so we need to be convinced  of it too!
LUKE 17:5

The disciples wanted the same thing from Jesus that all Christians want, they wanted more faith. His answer surprised them, just as it does many of us today.

He said they didn't need more faith. The faith that they had was enough to uproot a tree and cast it into the ocean. They need to use the faith that they had.

Jesus had to correct the wrong idea most Christians have about faith. It must be told what to do because it is our slave.
A slavemaster doesn't ask slaves to work, they make them work.

We must do the same. We can't sit by and hope it will work or ask it to work. We must take the authority that we have in Jesus and command it to work. The reason we don't see our faith work harder is because we haven't demanded more from it.

We think believing for miracles is so hard and that it takes more faith than we have, but that's not true. We have under estimated our faith and thought we needed more; when the truth is, it is so powerful it can accomplish whatever we demand of it.

We got born-again by the faith God gave us; which is the greatest miracle in this life. We don't want to be thinking that our needs are so big that the faith of God in us can't deliver, heal, provide every need we have.

Let's put our faith to work and not let it rest until it gets the jobs done!

Matthew 3:1-12; Mark 1:1-8 and Luke 3: 1-18 records the ministry of John the Baptist. He was in the desert for thirty years in Judea preparing for his ministry and then it lasted only six months before He baptized Jesus. In that short time John turned a nation to God.

John didn't go to the people or where they were, the people came to him out in the desert. He had no advertising other than those who heard him and told others.

John wasn't a stylish preacher. He didn't do it the way the preachers are taught today; but, it was powerful and it worked. In just a few months he stirred a nation to anticipate the coming of Jesus. God accomplished it through a man who didn't appear normal. We would be so afraid to do that for fear what others would think or say.

God tells us to do and live by His Spirit and His Word. John was completely yield to the Holy Spirit and he succeeded against all odds.

If we dare to follow the Holy Spirit, even if it means going against all others, we will get supernatural results, also!
LUKE 2:46

This is the only record in the bible of Jesus' childhood. At the age of twelve, His wisdom amazed the men who had spent much of their lives studying. Jesus didn't have the ability to physically get a copy of the scriptures like they did. He got His knowledge from His heavenly Father and from the ready of the scrolls in the synagogue.

At that age, He had an understanding of who His real Father was and why He was in the world. He had all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge in Him, Colossians 2:3, In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. He lived in a human body with a natural mind so He needed to be educated even though He was God. He knew His purpose even in early childhood, but had to study to prepare Himself for what God wanted Him to accomplish on earth.

God wants us to study and prepare ourselves also, so we too can know what He wants us to do and when to do it. We are to study to show ourselves approved unto Him, 2 Timothy 2:15, Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Satan was the one behind Herod's actions. Ever since God prophesied that a 'seed' of a woman would bruise his head, he had been trying to find and destroy it, Genesis 3:15. That 'seed' was Jesus, our Savior and Lord.

When God would make a move, satan seemed to perceive what was happening; because when Moses was born, he got Pharaoh to kill all the boy babies of the Israel slaves. After Jesus was born he got Herod to kill all the boy babies in Bethlehem. No doubt trying to get rid of the 'seed' God had told him was going to bruise his head and strip him of power and authority.

Jesus the 'seed' has already come and is spreading Himself in all born-again believers, so satan is trying to kill as many as he can through abortions. He is attacking the young with suicide. He may be thinking that this is the time Jesus will return. He found out that his attempt to kill Jesus didn't work out.

We are starting the get the idea that what is happening to the young and unborn is a great struggle in the spiritual realm and that Jesus' return will be soon!
LUKE 1:37

From birth we are trained to know our limits. What we can and cannot do, say, see, hear, touch or feel. The list goes on and on. And as we grow up, it's actually a sign of maturity to recognize those limits and learn to live within them. It is just a fact of life that there are limits to everything.

But God has no limits. When we enter into His realm and supernatural power, we have to take off the limits we have grown up with. We have to renew our minds with the truth He is not like us. We have an awesome God whose power is so great that we can't even comprehend it.

God created the universe and it didn't even strain Him or His abilities.  But often we think our situation is too much or hard for Him. We can't see how He can do it. Jeremiah 32:27, "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for Me?" NO! The only thing that limits Him is our unbelief, Mark 6:6, " And he marvelled because of their unbelief. . ." not good!

We need to honor God by believing that nothing is too hard for Him. No matter what we are facing, He is more than able and willing to help us.

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.
For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.
Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.
For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.
For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.

Faith works by love. God gave us His Son to teach us love. God wants to show us His love that He has for us. When we receive His love, our faith will work and our needs will be met.

If we let God's love for us grow and abound, our faith will grow and abound also!
JOHN 13:31-35

The characteristic of a Christian, according to Jesus, is our love for one another. Possessing true love for other believers isn't a priority for most Christians. But, Jesus said that it is the #1 thing that will show unbelievers that He is real and alive in us.

The Church, as a body, has put a huge amount of money and effort into reaching the lost. Buildings have been built with cushioned seats, A/C for comfort to attract more people. Crusades are held to reach more people, yet, our love for each other is lacking which He said would represent Him the best.

The first biblical church didn't have the things that it has today. They met in homes and out in the open fields without the comforts we have but made a tremendous impact on the world with the Gospel.

Jude said the early church meetings were "feasts of charity", Jude 1:12. Love abounded then and so did the Gospel.

We must choose to be a living advertisement for the Gospel by allowing God's love to shine through for all to see as well as the lost. Unbelievers will then know that Jesus is alive in us.
JOHN 1:16-17

The Christian life isn't like an insurance policy that only pays off when we die and go to heaven. Every believer has received the grace and fullness of God. Everything He is, we possess now in our born-again spirits. We are complete in Him, Colossians 2:9-10.

When we received Jesus as our Lord, we were instantly changed in our spirits, 2 Corinthians 5:17, but many are not aware of the change that took place inside, so, we continue to live by our physical senses and natural mind, and are unaware of the new, born-again part of us that has received the fullness of God.

We can't see or touch our spirit because it is spirit. Our spirit is the eternal, invisible part of us. When we choose to believe what the Word of God says about us, we will begin to know that in Jesus we have everything we will ever need or want.

His Word is spirit and life, John 6:63, and as we live in His Word, we will begin to live more and more in our spirit.

In our spirit, we are right now the way we will be all through eternity, 1 John 4:17. As we renew our mind to this truth and believe it, we will actually experience God's fullness in this life. 

Proverbs 23:7 says that whatever we think or believe in our heart is what we are.
JOHN 1:1

Jesus wasn't just a man sent from God, He was God. John 1:1 is the most important statement in the New Testament. All of the others truths hang on this truth.

If Jesus was only a man, then regardless of how good He was, His life could provide a substitute for only one other man. But, since He was God, His life was worth more than every human since creation. His life was worth more than all of the universe He created.

Any compromise of Jesus' divinity will wipe out His redemptive work in our lives.  He was God manifested in the flesh, 1 Timothy 3:16.

He, God Almighty, came to live in a human body. He humbled Himself and became a servant, Philippians 2:7, and His humanity made Him one of us.

He suffered the same temptations and pressure that we all suffer, Hebrews 4:15. But, it was His divinity that gave Him the power to save us completely, Hebrews 7:25-26.

We must not loose sight of the fact that, Jesus, Almighty God Himself came to be our friend, John 15:13-15.

May the Holy Spirit give us a true revelation of His deity and His humanity all through this New Year!