Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

LUKE 17:5

The disciples wanted the same thing from Jesus that all Christians want, they wanted more faith. His answer surprised them, just as it does many of us today.

He said they didn't need more faith. The faith that they had was enough to uproot a tree and cast it into the ocean. They need to use the faith that they had.

Jesus had to correct the wrong idea most Christians have about faith. It must be told what to do because it is our slave.
A slavemaster doesn't ask slaves to work, they make them work.

We must do the same. We can't sit by and hope it will work or ask it to work. We must take the authority that we have in Jesus and command it to work. The reason we don't see our faith work harder is because we haven't demanded more from it.

We think believing for miracles is so hard and that it takes more faith than we have, but that's not true. We have under estimated our faith and thought we needed more; when the truth is, it is so powerful it can accomplish whatever we demand of it.

We got born-again by the faith God gave us; which is the greatest miracle in this life. We don't want to be thinking that our needs are so big that the faith of God in us can't deliver, heal, provide every need we have.

Let's put our faith to work and not let it rest until it gets the jobs done!