Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.


Satan was the one behind Herod's actions. Ever since God prophesied that a 'seed' of a woman would bruise his head, he had been trying to find and destroy it, Genesis 3:15. That 'seed' was Jesus, our Savior and Lord.

When God would make a move, satan seemed to perceive what was happening; because when Moses was born, he got Pharaoh to kill all the boy babies of the Israel slaves. After Jesus was born he got Herod to kill all the boy babies in Bethlehem. No doubt trying to get rid of the 'seed' God had told him was going to bruise his head and strip him of power and authority.

Jesus the 'seed' has already come and is spreading Himself in all born-again believers, so satan is trying to kill as many as he can through abortions. He is attacking the young with suicide. He may be thinking that this is the time Jesus will return. He found out that his attempt to kill Jesus didn't work out.

We are starting the get the idea that what is happening to the young and unborn is a great struggle in the spiritual realm and that Jesus' return will be soon!