Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Don't Leave a Door Open

"As the bird by wandering,
as the swallow by flying,
so the curse causeless shall not come."
Proverbs 26:2

Spiritually, Christians sometimes leave a
'door' opened in their lives for the enemy
to come in.

Maybe we're having trouble with obstacles
that the devil keeps throwing our way and
we've done everything we know to do.

Then we must check to see if we've left a
door open. ARE we walking in love? ARE
we unforgiving towards others? ARE we
full of God's word concerning the matter?

Our faith works by love and forgiveness.
Both are acts of our will and not our feelings.

When we keep all the doors shut, nothing
can steal our blessings.