Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Refuse to Allow

Some will say that God allowed the devil to
put a sickness or injury on us. But it was
ourselves that allowed it.

God has no choice in the matter because

He will not override our wills.

We allow it because he don't use the auth-

ority that God has given us to refuse every
thing the devil has to bring on us. That's
because we have let the devil tell us it is
God doing it to us. What a perfect lie the
devil has used on mankind for thousands
of years. He takes the blame off himself
and puts it on God and we end up
believing him.

God has bound Himself to His Word. He
told us to bind (forbid) and loose (allow) and
then He will back us up in heaven in Matthew

God doesn't have any sickness to give.
isn't sickness in heaven. It came on earth
when Adam and Eve believed and sided with
the devil in the garden.