Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Free from condemnation

"Beloved, if our heart condemns us not,
then have we confidence toward God.
And whatsoever we ask, we receive of
him, because we keep his commandments,
and do those things that are pleasing in
his sight." 1 John 3:21,22

Condemnation and disease can go hand
in hand.

The devil puts condemnation on us to make
us feel bad and to destroy our confidence
in God so that we can't receive from Him.

God never shuts us off from receiving. But
if we allow condemnation to operate in our
lives, it will stop our faith from working.

The enemy likes to put us under condemn-
ation for past sins, failures and mistakes so
that we will lose our confidence in God.