Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Jesus, Jairus and Woman

"So it was, when Jesus returned, that the
multitude welcomed Him, for they were
all waiting for Him.
And behold, there came a man named Jairus,
and he was a ruler of the synagogue.
And he fell down at Jesus' feet and begged
Him to come to his house, for he had an
only daughter about twelve years of age,
and she was dying.
But as He went, the multitudes thronged

Now a woman, having a flow of blood for
twelve years, who had spent all her
livelihood on physicians and could not be
healed by any, came from behind and
touched the border of His garment.
And Jesus said, 'Who touched Me'
When all denied it, Peter and those with
him said, 'Master, the multitudes throng
and press You, and You say, 'Who touched
But Jesus said, 'Somebody touched Me,
for I perceived power leave Me'

Now when the woman saw that she was
not hidden, she came trembling; and
falling down before Him, she declared to
Him in the presence of all the people the
reason she had touched Him and how she
was healed immediately.
And He said to her, 'Daughter, be of good
cheer; your faith has made you well'

While He was still speaking, someone
came from the ruler of the synagogues's
house, saying to him, 'Your daughter is
dead. Do not trouble the Teacher.'

But when Jesus heard it, He answered
him, saying, 'Do not be afraid; only
believe, and she will be made well.'

When He came into the house, He
permitted no one to go in except
Peter, James, and John and the father
and mother of the girl. Now all wept
and mourned for her; but he said 'Do
not weep; she is not dead, but sleeping.'

And they ridiculed Him, knowing that
she was dead. But He put them all
outside, took her by the hand and called
saying, 'Little girl, arise.'

Then her spirit returned and she arose
immediately. And he commanded that
she be given something to eat.
And her parents were astonished, but
He charged them to tell no one what
had happened."
Luke 8:40-56; Matthew 9:18-26 and
Mark 5:21-43

Concerning the woman with the flow of
blood, Matthew's account adds: "For she
said to herself, 'If only I may touch His
garment, I shall be made well" 9:21

Jairus obeyed Jesus when He told him
to not be afraid and only believe.

The woman received power and was
Jesus experienced power leaving Him.
The same power healed the little girl.

Thank You that You are easy to come to,
that You honor faith and that You do not
let us lose hope.
We will believe only and we will not
contaminate our faith with fear or unbelief.
Thank You for Your healing power.
We receive it!
..............In the name of Jesus!