Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

MATTHEW 7:12-20
The way that we can tell whether a person is genuine or not is by the fruit they produce. This fruit is speaking of lifestyle.
Jesus made the point that we don't get bad fruit from a good tree, and you don't get good fruit from a bad tree. Many people say one thing, but their actions speak so loudly that we really can't hear what they are saying. If we are in doubt about whether a person is genuine or not, or whether we should receive from them and follow their teaching, look at the fruit they are producing.
In checking on ministers and ministries, more attention should be given to the fruit that is being produced. Failure to do this could lead someone to reject and even discredit a minister who simply makes a mistake or is wrong in one area. Every minister has shortcomings, just as every other member of the Body of Christ. But that doesn't mean his ministry is bad. Look at the fruit.
Fruit is the true test of ministers and ministries. If people are being saved, if lives are being changed, there is good fruit. Even though the minister may say something wrong and make some mistakes, the fruit is good. Therefore, we can say that the tree is good.
When a person says all of the right things and may seem sincere, but we see the lives of people around them shattered and torn, and in confusion and distress, then the fruit is bad. 
We can judge the effectiveness of a person by the fruit that they are producing in their life. In ministry we can judge the effectiveness of a minister by the fruit that his ministry is producing, and if it is in line with the Word of God.
We must make sure that the fruit that comes from our life is positive. Make sure that we are making a positive impact on people's lives, that we are turning people to the Lord and not leaving them hurt and confused. People are looking at us to see what type of fruit we are bearing.