Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

LUKE 1:26-38

The virgin birth of Jesus is so difficult to imagine that it has always been one of Christianity's main targets. Skeptics cite the impossibility of such a thing as proof that the Bible can't be true.

The virgin birth of Jesus is one of the cornerstones of the Christian faith. If He had been the natural product of a man and woman, He would have had a sinful nature. (Romans 5:12) He wouldn't have qualified to take our sin upon Himself on the Cross because He would have had to be the debt of His own sin.

Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would be born of a virgin, (Isaiah 7:14), which means that God would be His Father. This was necessary  to give Him sinless blood.

The Messiah also had to be born without sin for God to legally raise Him from the dead. Our faith trusts on the resurrection (Romans 10:9) because the only legal way God could raise Him from the dead was if He Himself was without sin. Once He died for our sins, God was legally bound to resurrect Him (Romans 1:4) because He was sinless.

There can be no compromise on this issue! If Jesus wasn't born of a virgin and the sinless sacrifice for our sins, we are lost and going to hell.