Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

LUKE 1:5-25

Zacharias and Elisabeth were righteous people who prayed for a child for many years. The Lord answered their prayers and sent and angel to announce the good news.

Zacharias couldn't believe it. He was getting the very thing they had been praying for, but he doubted that it was true. He received his miracle anyway. Maybe his wife's faith pulled them through.

We may be praying for the right things and we may be sincere, but would we be shocked if our prayers were to suddenly be answered?

Before the children of Israel were actually delivered from Egypt, they ate the Passover meal by faith. Their bags were packed and ready to go.

We need to anticipate our prayers being answered also. If we can imagine how we would feel or what we would do if the answer to our prayer manifested this very moment, we must begin to think and act that way. It would change our whole perspective on how our day will go.