Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

LUKE 1:46-56

Gabriel told Mary that her cousin Elizabeth was in the sixth month of a miraculous pregnancy also. She, no doubt, hoped Elizabeth might understand her condition without the natural help of Joseph. How could she expect anyone to believe her. But Mary felt absolute joy when her cousin confirmed all that had happened before she told her anything.

Mary had already rejoiced in her spirit. She believed Gabriel and experienced the Holy Spirit overshadowing her, now she rejoiced with her soul also.

Sometimes others criticize  believers for an outward display of emotion to the Lord. The truth is that rejoicing in the spirit and rejoicing in the soul are two different things. The born-again believer's spirit always have the fruit of joy, but the soul only rejoices when the believer chooses. It is actually insincere not to magnify the Lord with our soul when our spirit is already rejoicing.

Our spirits are always rejoicing and praising God, and we can praise Him with our soul and body whenever we choose to. We can rejoice and magnify Him with our whole being.