Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

In All Matters

If a man is not full of faith in the little
matters, then how in the world can he
be full of faith in more important matters.
He lacks the most esstential ingredient for
dealing with all matters great and small.

A person may be very nice, of good
character and full of good intentions.
He may be thoroughly punctual and diligent
in everything he does.
But if he doesn't exercise faith in God, then
in biblical sense, he is not faithful.
In fact, in biblical terms, he is unrighteous.
Doing right is not just a behavior, it is a
matter of the heart, one that is full of faith.

When we are full of faith, trusting God and
His Word, our words and deeds will
correspond with that faith.
They will line up and be in agreement with it.
Then we will find a consistency in our manner
of life, because God never changes and His
Word never fails.

When we are full of faith in God, we ourselves
will be seen as dependable, loyal and trust-
worthy because we have learned how to
believe and exercise faith.