Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Praying with Power

The New Testament believers teach us of
many different kinds of prayer.
We can find them in the books of the Bible.
They are powerful prayers because they show
the heart of God.
They show His desire to light the world with
the Gospel.
They bless and strengthen us, His people.
They bring us to completeness in Jesus!

There are prayers to break ground and
prepare the fields and the laborers, for
sowing the Gospel and laying the
foundations of Church fellowships.

There are watering prayers.
They help establish Christians in the faith,
both as individuals and as congregations, to
grow in grace and close relationship with
There are watering prayers, pouring out with
the authority of heaven to bless and minister
the promises of God to us His people.

There are thanksgiving prayers returning
praise to God for what He is doing in and
through us.

There are prayers that declare the praise
worthiness of God and gives Him the glory.

The prayers are all about God from the
beginning to the end, because He is both
the One who sends and the One who gives.
So He deserves all praise and honor.

Power comes from our close relationship
with the Father and a constant reliance
upon the Holy Spirit.
Our prayers can turn our world upside
down or right side up in the Name of Jesus!