Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

The Greek word translated "life" in John 10:10 is "zoe" and it means life as God has it. Everyone who is breathing has life in the sense of physical existence, but only those who receive Jesus can experience life as God intended it to be. 
Jesus came to not only save us from the torment of eternal hell, but also to give us this "zoe" or God-kind of life in abundance. The life of God is not awaiting us in heaven, but is presently possessed by every born-again person in his spirit. 
We can release this "zoe" life and enjoy it now by losing our natural life and finding this supernatural life. The way we lose our life is to deny any thoughts, emotions, or actions that are contrary to the Word of God, which is life ("zoe" in John 6:63). When we line our thoughts, emotions, and actions up with the instructions of God's Word, then we will find this "zoe" life manifest in our bodies and souls.
The Word is spiritual and must be understood through the spirit (1 Corinthians 2:14). The Bible is simply a physical representation of Jesus and spiritual truth. It is inspired of God and totally accurate and reliable, and until we receive the spirit that these words express, the Bible will not profit us (Hebrews 4:2).
If we want to know what spiritual truth is, we must believe the Bible, for it is spirit and life. If we want to be led by the Spirit, then we must follow God's Word. If we want to hear from the Spirit of God, then we must listen to what God says in His Word. The Spirit (Holy Spirit) and the Word (Jesus - John 1:1) are one (1 John 5:7).