Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

The most loving Father in the world couldn't compare to our heavenly Father and the love He has for us. But, many times, we find it easier to believe in the willingness of a father or mother or mate to help us than in the willingness of God to use His power for us. 
Few people doubt God's ability, but will doubt His willingness to use His ability on our behalf.  That causes most people to do without. Jesus is assuring us that God's love, and His willingness to demonstrate that love, is far greater than we can ever experience in any human relationship.
The Lord didn't just save us out of pity or a sense of obligation because He created us. He saved us because He loved us (John 3:16). It was the "good pleasure of his will" for us to become adopted sons Ephesians1:5). We are wanted and accepted by our Father! What a wonderful thing this is! 

It would have been more than any of us deserve to be forgiven by God. Then to be given certain rights and privileges would have been more than we could have expected. But the Lord went further than that. He has actually accepted us.
The dictionary defines "accept" as "1. to receive gladly; 2. to receive into a place or a group" (New American Heritage Dictionary). The Lord does not just tolerate us; He actually loves us. He even likes us. He rejoices over us with joy (Zephaniah 3:17).