Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Apostles do Signs and Wonders

"Then fear came upon every soul and
many wonders and signs were done
throught the apostles."
..........Acts 2:43

The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples,
not just the Twelve, but all of them.
This was the Promise of the Father.
And they would be endued with power.
They had received authority to preach,
heal and do deliverances just before
Jesus ascended to heaven.
Now they would receive power when
the Holy Spirit came upon them.
This is the same power that Jesus had
to heal and perform deliverances.

Thank You that Your power and the
Holy Spirit is given to us as disciples
We have the authority to do every
thing the first and all the other disciples
were able to do.
Help us to learn to walk and live in that
power everyday.
..........In the name of Jesus!