Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Jesus Sends out the Twelve

"These twelve Jesus sent out and
commanded them, saying, 'And
as you go, preach, saying, ' The
kingdom of heaven is at hand.'
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers,
raise the dead, cast out demons.'"
Matthew 10:5, 7-8

"And He called the twelve to
Himself and began to send them
out two by two and gave them
power over unclean spirits. . . . .
So they went out and preached
that people should repent.
And they cast out many demons
and anointed with oil many who
were sick and healed them."
Mark 6:7, 12-13

"Then He called His twelve disciples
together and gave them power and
authority over all demons and to
cure diseases. He sent them to
preach the kingdom of God and to
heal the sick. . . .So they departed
and went through the towns,
preaching the gospel and healing
Luke 9:1-2, 6

Thank You for the work that You
started with the disciples and now
have given to us.
Thank You for the power and the
authority over demons and over
all sicknesses and diseases and
over all the power of the enemy.
We love You and praise You for it.
In the name of Jesus!