Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Jesus Chose Disciples

Jesus chose the disciples that they
might be with Him - to know Him,
love Him, learn of Him, and grow
in fellowship with Him.
He chose them, also, that He might
send them out into the world to
preach, to heal and to cast out, or
expel demons.
He gave them power to do it,
He sent them out to do it,
and they went out and did it.
In this way, He chose to multiply
His ministry in the world and
advance the kingdom of God.

After His resurrection and before
He ascended into heaven,
He gave His disciples the Great
He gave them authority and said
that they would receive power, the
Holy Spirit coming upon them.
They were to be witnesses to Him,
to preach the Gospel to everyone,
to mke disciples of all the nations,
to baptize them and to teach them
to obey and do all that they them
selves had received from Jesus.

This was and is to be a continuing
succession of disciples, all doing the
works Jesus did, all having authority
and power for preaching, healing and
delivering [cast out demons].
As they preached the Gospel, there
would be signs to follow those who
These signs included healing and
deliverance, the same things Jesus