Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Purpose of the Holy Spirit

The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to
be a witness to Jesus.
A witness is one who presents proof
or evidence.
Witnesses to Jesus present proof
that He is the Anointed One, the
We do this by preaching what Jesus
preached and doing what Jesus did,
which was to heal and deliver those
who were oppressed by the devil.

Luke's use of "signs and wonders"
goes back to Joel's prophecy, which
was recited in Acts 2: "I will show
wonders in the heaven above and
signs in the earth beneath" [v.19].
In the book of Acts, "wonders and
signs" generally meant healings and

We appreciate and look in awe of the
signs and wonders we are seeing You
do in the world today.
We thank You for the ones that take
place in our own lives and for those
around us.
Thank You Lord, that we can depend
on You for every area of our lives.
We love You and trust You with our
lives and everything we need.
Thank You and You have our worship
and praise continually.
............In the name of Jesus!