Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Disciple Received the same Anointing

"And through the hands of the
apostles many signs and wonders
were done among the people.
And they were all with one accord
in Solomon's Porch.
Yet none of the rest dared join them,
but the people esteemed them higly.
And believers were increasingly
added to the Lord, multitudes of
both men and women, so that they
brought the sick out into the streets
and laid them on beds and couches,
that at least the shadow of Peter
passing by might fall on some of them.
Also a multitude gathered from the
surrounding cities to Jerusalem,
bringing sick people and those who
were tormented by unclean spirits,
and they were all healed."
..........Acts 5:12-16

The transfer of healing power, even
through the shadow of Peter, was
similar to the transfer of healing
power which came from Jesus even
through His garment.

All were healed. The disciples had
the same anointing, power and authority
as Jesus did and so they were seeing
the same kind of results Jesus had.

Your word shows us that all the
disciples had the same anointing and
authority and power that Jesus had.
Thank You that we have the same as
they all had.
Help us to operate in the anointing so
we can do the same things today for
those in need.
..........In the name of Jesus!