Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Here and There

John 1:16,
"And of his fulness have all we
received, and grace for grace."

JOHN 1:1-18

The Christian life is not like some insurance
policy that only pays off when we die and go
to heaven.
Every believer has now received the grace of
God and the fullness of God.
We are now complete in Him
(Colossians 2:9-10).

When we receive Jesus as our Lord, we are
instantly changed in our spirits

(2 Corinthians 5:17).

Many Christians aren't aware of the change
that takes place in their spirit.
They continue to live within their physical
and emotional realms and are oblivious to
the new, born-again part of them that has
received the fullness of God.

We can't see or feel our spirit.
We just have to believe what the Word of
God tells us because God's Word is spirit
and life (John 6:63).

Our spiritual salvation is complete.
Nothing can be added to it.

In our spirit, we are right now as we will be
throughout all eternity (1 John 4:17).


To the degree that we will renew our minds
to these truths and believe them, we will
experience this fullness in this life, for as a
man "thinketh in his heart, so [is] he"
(Proverbs 23:7).

Pray the prayer of Ephesians 1:15-23 and
let the Holy Spirit reveal "Christ, the hope
of glory"
(Colossians 1:27).

Jesus is the Word

John 1:1,
"In the beginning was the Word, and the
Word was with God, and the Word was God."

LUKE 1:1-4;
JOHN 1:1-18

Jesus was not just a man sent from God, He
was God.
This is the most important statement of the
New Testament.
On this truth hangs all other truths.

If Jesus was only a man, then no matter how
good He was, His life could only provide a
substitute for one other man.

But since He was God, His life was worth
more than every human life since creation.

Indeed it was worth more than the sum total
of the universe that He created.
Any compromise on this point will negate
the work of Christ in our lives.

Jesus was God manifest in the flesh
(1 Timothy 3:16)!
This Almighty God came to dwell in a human
He humbled Himself and took the form of a
servant (Philippians 2:7).
Christ's humanity truly made Him one of us.
He suffered the same temptations and
pressures that we suffer (Hebrews 4:15).

It was His divinity, however, that gave Him
the power to save us to the uttermost
(Hebrews 7:25).

We must never let His humanity blind us to
the fact that Almighty God Himself became
our friend (John 15:13-15).
And we must never let His divinity blind us
to the fact that He knows exactly how we
feel and cares for us.

We must let the Holy Spirit give us a true
revelation of the deity and humanity
of our Lord Jesus Christ throughout
our walk with Him.

Our Comfort

John 14:2
"In my Father's house are many mansions:

if it were not so, I would have told you. I
go to prepare a place for you."

JOHN 14:2

This is Jesus' last teaching to His disciples
before His crucifixion.
Jesus' disciples were about to go through the
greatest test of their faith that they had ever

Jesus said that He was saying these things so
His disciples would not be offended.
Jesus was preparing them for what was to
Why then speak of preparing them a

mansion in heaven?
The reason for this was to comfort the

disciples and help them put things in

In 1 Thessalonians 4:18,
Paul tells us to comfort one another with

words about being gathered unto the Lord
in the air.

Paul said , "I reckon that the sufferings of

this present time are not worthy to be
compared with the glory which shall be
revealed in us"
(Romans 8:18).

Someday, all of our trials will seem like
nothing and this can be a great comfort to

us now.
Also, when we think about being with the

Lord through all eternity, it helps us to put
things in proper perspective.

It is easy to get fearful about our problems

and think all is lost.
However, for those of us who are born again,
if worse comes to worse, we still have the
promise of Jesus wiping all the tears from our
eyes and preparing a habitation for us where
all our former sorrows will have passed away.

This keeps us from despairing and makes us
much stronger in our faith.
In heaven, there are many dwelling places

and Jesus is preparing one for each of us.

The thing that is going to make heaven

"heaven" is the fact that we will be with
No doubt, there will be things to see and do

that will be wonderful, but nothing will
compare to being with the one who loved us
and died for us.


Matthew 13:15,
"For this people's heart is waxed gross, and
their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes
they have closed; lest at any time they should
see with their eyes and hear with their ears,
and should understand with their heart, and
should be converted, and I should heal them."

MATTHEW 13:14-23

The word "waxed" means "to become
gradually more intense or to increase" and
shows that this condition of the heart is not
something we are born with or that strikes
us suddenly.
It has to be nurtured over a prolonged period
of time.
This is why we should not violate our
conscience, even in small things.
Guarding our conscience will keep us
sensitive to God and will stop our hearts
from becoming hardened.
If we will stay faithful to God, even in the
small things, then we will be faithful in the
more important things also.

Keeping the commandments doesn't affect
God's willingness to love us, but it affects
our awareness of how much He loves us.
If we live in sin, our conscience becomes
defiled and it condemns us.

It's not God condemning us, but our
God still loves us.

John was speaking of this same thing in
1 John 3:20, when he said,
"For if our heart condemn us, God is greater
than our heart, and knoweth all things."
However, as far as this earthly life goes, our
awareness of God's love is everything.

We must keep Satan from blinding us to the
love of God.
The most effective way of doing this is to

give no place to the devil through sin.

John went on to say in 1 John 3:21,
"Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then
have we confidence toward God."

Holiness is essential in keeping our hearts
assured of the love of God (1 John. 3:19).
It's the nature of a Christian to walk in the
light and not in darkness.
When we are rightly informed of who we
are and what we have in Christ, holiness
just naturally flows out of us.

That's our nature.

God's Mysteries Revealed

Matthew 13:11,
"He answered and said unto them, Because
it is given unto you to know the mysteries of
the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not

MATTHEW 13:1-13

The Greek word translated "mystery" , means
"something that could not be known by men

except by divine revelation, but that, though
once hidden, has now been revealed in Christ
and is to be proclaimed so that all who have
ears may hear it."

God's truths are hidden for His children, not
from them.
God has given an open invitation to everyone
to receive the spiritual rebirth which entitles
them to the revelation of these mysteries of
the Kingdom.

But as stated in 1 Corinthians 2:14, a
natural man cannot receive the things of the

Spirit of God because they are spiritually
Whoever rejects Jesus rejects the source of
all wisdom and knowledge (Col. 2:3),

thereby reserving the deep things of God
for those who receive Jesus and draw on His

wisdom through the Holy Spirit.

This also safeguards the laws of God, upon
which all the universe is founded, from
being appropriated and misused by Satan's

In context, Jesus is speaking about those
who have revelation knowledge of the
mysteries of God.
They will receive even more revelation and
will walk in the abundant life that Jesus
provided (John. 10:10; 2.

Peter 1:3). Those who do not receive God's

revelation will lose whatever truth they do
have and will go farther and farther into

God reveals His truths to us in stages and
not all at once (Isaiah 28:9-10).
Therefore, as we walk in the revelation of
what the Lord has already shown us, He will
reveal more of His truths to us.
The truths of God are mysterious only to

those who do not soften their heart by
seeking God with their whole heart.

As Jeremiah 29:13
says, "And ye shall seek me, and find me,

when ye shall search for me with all your

Jesus, Teacher and Savior

Mark 4:2,
"And he taught them many things by
parables, and said unto them in his

MARK 4:1-12

The Greek word used here for "doctrine"
means "teaching" and occurs a total of 30
times in the New Testament.
The four gospels refer to Jesus teaching 43
times and preaching 19 times, and six
verses refer to Him preaching and teaching
in the same verse.
This would show that Jesus spent twice as
much time teaching as He did preaching.

Jesus' teaching is the basic building block of
making disciples and a stumbling block to the
Why is it that a person who is seeking so

hard to please God can be rejected, while
a person who has not sought God at all can
come into a righteous relationship with Him?
This is an important question and its answer
is one of the most profound doctrines in
The answer is faith and its object.

The Jews were zealous for the things of God,
but their faith was in themselves.
They were trusting that they could earn God's
favor by their acts of righteousness.
On the other hand, the Gentiles had no
holiness to trust in.
So, when they heard the Gospel message
that Jesus paid our debt for us, they readily
accepted His "gift" of salvation, while the
religious Jews could not abandon their trust
in themselves for salvation.

The same problem exists today. Millions of
church people are trying to live holy lives,
but they do not have a true faith in Jesus as
their Savior.
If they were to stand before God and He was
to ask them what they had done to deserve
salvation, they would immediately start
recounting all their acts of holiness such as
church attendance, giving receipts, etc.

Regardless of how good our actions are
compared to others, they always come short
of the perfect standard of God.
The only response to this kind of question
that would grant us entrance to heaven is to

say, "my only claim to salvation is faith in
Jesus as my Savior."
Let Him be the object of our faith. He is
all our need.

Our Words

Matthew 12:37,
"For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and
by thy words thou shalt be condemned."

MATTHEW 12:34-37

God created the heavens and the earth and
everything that is in the earth by His words
(Hebrews 11:3).

The whole creation was made by, and
responds to, words.
Our words, when spoken in faith, release
either life or death (Proverbs 18:21) and will
affect people, things, and circumstances.

We can release the power that is in faith by
our words.
Every word counts.

There is no such things as an "idle" word
which will not work for us or against us.

Our words can be our most powerful weapon
against the devil, or they can become a snare
of the devil (Proverbs 6:2).
Faith-filled words can move mountains.

The faith that made Jesus marvel was a faith
in the authority of the spoken word
(Matthew 8:8, 10).
We are to believe in the power of our words.

If we begin to speak words in faith that line
up with God's Word, then we will have the
positive results that follow.
But if we continue to speak words of doubt,
we will eventually believe them and have the
negative things that these words produce.

Death or life are in the power of every word
we speak.

Faith is released by speaking words.

Jesus encouraged us to speak to mountains
or to whatever our problem might be.
Most people speak to God about their
problem, but few follow Jesus' instructions
and speak directly to the "mountain."

God has put certain things under our authority
and we must exercise it.
When a problem stands in our way, we must
speak to the problem and command it to get
out of our way in the name of Jesus.

Speak God's Word.
His Words will produce life.

Singleness of Heart

Matthew 12:35,
"A good man out of the good treasure of the
heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil
man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth
evil things."

MATTHEW 12:32-45

Our spirit is definitely a part of our heart, but
as seen in 1 Peter 3:4, it is only a part.
Sin, iniquity, unbelief, etc., come from the
heart but not the born-again spirit.

Hebrews 4:12 suggests that spirit and soul are
both part of the heart; so, the scriptures
admonish us

to believe with all our heart (Acts 8:37),
have singleness of heart (Col. 3:22),
and tell us our hearts can have two minds or
ways of thinking (Jas. 4:8).

Even Christians still struggle with things like
pride and foolishness which Jesus said came
out of our heart.
It's certain that our born again spirit is not
the source of these sins.
The heart encompasses more than our spirit.

The English word "soul" comes from the
Greek word translated "heart, life, mind, and
The mind is the principle and leading part of
the soul, followed by the will and emotions.
We could also describe the soul as being the
hidden part of all existing beings or what
most people would call the personality.

The soul is the center of the feelings and
emotions, appetites and desires, as well as
sense perception and consciousness.
The soul may also speak of the totality of a
person - his total being or self, a person, and
the hidden man or inward man.

The soul and the body do not get born again.

It is the spirit of man that becomes totally
new at salvation.
So, although every believer receives the same
miraculous spiritual rebirth, the visible results
of that inward change will vary from person to
person according to how much he renews his

The term "heart" can include all of the inner
man - spirit, soul, or any portion thereof.
The peace of God will keep our hearts at rest
in Christ Jesus if we let Him.

The Unpardenable Sin

MATTHEW 12:31,
"Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin
and blasphemy shalt be forgiven unto men:
but blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall
not be forgiven unto men."

LUKE 12:10;
MATTHEW 12:24-31;
MARK 3:22-30

The word "blaspheme" means "to speak evil
of; defame; or revile."
In context, Jesus is saying that blasphemy
against the Holy Ghost is attributing the
working of the Holy Spirit to the devil.

Many people in the Bible did this, including
Saul, who became the Apostle Paul.
We see in 1 Timothy 1:13, that Paul said he
received mercy concerning his blaspnemy
because he had done it "ignorantly in


The blasphemy against the Holy Ghost
Jesus is warning against must be willfully
reviling the Holy Ghost with knowledge of
what is being done.

This parallels Hebrews 6:4-6, where
qualifications are placed on those who
can fall away from grace.
This passage indicates that only a mature
Christian can commit such a thing.

With blasphemy against the Holy Ghost,
rash statements spoken against the Holy
Spirit in ignorance or unbelief by those
who don't really know what they are doing
can be forgiven.

From our human perspective, no clear line
can be drawn as to when someone becomes
accountable for blasphemies and has
committed this unpardonable sin.

We can be assured that God knows the hearts
of all men and that He will judge righteously
concerning this.

God's Word does show us that when anyone
becomes a "reprobate," they lose all
conviction from God (Rom. 1:28).

Anyone who is convicted and repentant over
having possibly blasphemed the Holy Ghost

has not yet reached the place where it
is unpardonable or they wouldn't care.

Keep a tender heart and be sensitive to Him.
Listen to His voice speak to you through His

Yoked to Jesus

Matthew 11:28-30,
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are
heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;
for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye
shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

MATTHEW 11:20-30
Yokes were made of wood with two hollowed

out sections on the bottom portion that rested
on the necks of oxen, which used to plow or
to draw a cart.
Figuratively, a yoke symbolized servitude or
Jesus is admonishing us to submit ourselves

to Him, for true rest comes from serving
Him - not ourselves.

A new ox was often trained for plowing or
drawing a cart by yoking him with an
experienced ox. The yoke kept the young ox
from "doing his own thing" and he soon
learned obedience to his master.
We are to commit ourselves to being yoked
to Jesus.
"It is not in man that walketh to direct his
steps" (Jeremiah 10:23).

We have to "bear the yoke in our youth"
(Lamentations 3:27) if we want to become
mature Christians.
The comparison ends at this point, though.
Unlike the, sometimes, harsh treatment oxen

are given to bring them into subjection,
Jesus is "meek and lowly in heart," and wins
us by love.
Jesus pulls more than His "share" of the
load; therefore, our burden is light.

The most loving father in the world cannot
compare with the love our Heavenly Father
has for us.
And yet, many times we find it easier to
believe in the willingness of a father or
mother or mate to help us than in the
willingness of God to use His power on our

Relatively few people really doubt God's
ability, but rather, it is our doubt of His
willingness to use His ability on our

behalf that causes most people to do

Jesus assures us that God's love, and His
willingness to demonstrate that love, is far
greater than we can ever experience in any
human relationship.

Not only does He want our love, but wants
us to let Him love us!

Our Inheritance

Matthew 11:11,
"Verily I say unto you,
Among them that are born of women there

hath not risen a greater than John the
Baptist: notwithstanding, he that is least in

the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."

MATTHEW 11:2-19,
LUKE 7:18-35

Much of the Old Testament deals with future
events and the coming Messiah and His
Not only was John the Baptist the voice of God
to his generation, he was also the fulfillment
of Old Testament prophecy.
He did not merely prophesy about the coming

Messiah and the New Covenant, as the
Old Testament prophets did, but he actually

prepared the way for the hearts of the people
to receive Jesus by bearing witness to the

Although John the Baptist was the greatest
of the Old Testament prophets, he was not
a born again "new creature in Christ".

When Jesus was raised from the dead,
He enabled us to be "born of the Spirit" and
become children of God, heirs of God, and
joint-heirs with Christ.

We were enabled to become "partakers of the
divine nature" and full-fledged sons of God.
John operated under the Old Covenant when
none of these promises were yet in effect.

Jesus established a new order, "the Kingdom
of God," in which these promises became

God saw John and all of the Old Testament
prophets through the law.

The new birth is essential for entering into
the Kingdom of God.
Our spiritual man became dead unto
(separated from) God through sin.
Just as we didn't accomplish our physical
birth, we cannot produce this spiritual
We are totally incapable of saving ourselves;
therefore, we need a Savior.

We simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
and we are saved.
Salvation is not a reformation, but rather a
regeneration, a new birth, a new creation,

that can only be accomplished by a creative
miracle of the Holy Spirit.
Because of the new birth, He sees us through

Celebrate Life!

Whose Faith?

Luke 7:13-14,
"And when the Lord saw her, he had
compassion on her, and said unto her,
Weep not, And he came and touched
the bier: and they that bear him stood
still. And he said, Young man, I say unto
thee, Arise."

LUKE 7:11-17

This example of the widow's son being raised
from the dead is often used to demonstrate
that Jesus produced many miracles without
any faith from those receiving the miracle,
but by His faith alone.

But, the prayer in Mark 6:5-6 shows that
Jesus could not (nor would not) do many
mighty works in His home town because of
the people's unbelief.

Many scriptures reveal that faith must be
present to receive from God.
(Mark 11:23-24; James 1:5-7)

So, whose faith was present here?
First, the mother of the boy responded to
Jesus in faith. For this woman to allow Jesus
to interrupt the funeral procession and tell

her to stop weeping has to be seen as a
positive response.
These people were no different from
mourners at funerals today.
If she had rebelled at Jesus' intrusion, the
crowd would have sided with her because of
pity, but none of these reactions are

Jesus was in command.
It cannot be proven that a dead person

has no choice in what happens.
We may take it for granted, but the
scriptures don't state that.

A person doesn't cease to exist at death;
he simply leaves his body.
The person is still very much alive.
Many people who have been raised from the
dead have mentioned that they had a choice
in whether or not to enter their bodies again.

Although this principle cannot be verified by
scripture, it cannot be ruled out by scripture
In any case, to be consistent with the rest of
scripture, some degree of faith had to be

present in either the person receiving the
miracle, or an intercessor
(in this case, the mother).

Reach out in faith to receive your miracle today.

God's Kind of Love

Matthew 8:9-10,
"For I am a man under authority, having
soldiers under me: and I say to this man,
Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come,
and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this,
and he doeth it. When Jesus heard it he
marvelled, and said to them that followed,
Verily I say unto you, I have not found so
great faith, no, not in Israel."

MATTHEW 8:5-13,
LUKE 7:1-10

There were only two things in all of scripture
that caused Jesus to marvel.
They were (1) the Centurion's faith
and (2) the Jews' unbelief (Mark. 6:6).

A faith that made Jesus marvel, who is the
author and finisher of our faith, is worth
being checked out.

This centurion believed that the spoken word
of Jesus was sufficient to produce his miracle.
He didn't need Jesus to come to his house.
He had faith in Jesus' word.

So, we can see that the person who simply

believes the written Word of God is operating
in a much higher form of faith than those who
require additional proof.

Compare this centurion's faith with the
"little" faith of Thomas in John 20:24-29!
Thomas refused to believe what He couldn't

see or feel.

Our five senses were given to us by God and
are necessary to help us function in this life.
But if we do not renew our minds to
acknowledge the limits of the five senses,
they will keep us from believing.
Faith can perceive things that the senses
cannot (Hebrews 11:1).

The type of faith that Thomas operated in
was a human or natural faith that was based
on what he could see.
Jesus said there was a greater blessing to be

That greater blessing comes from using a
supernatural, God-kind of faith that is based

only on God's Word.
Jesus and God's Word are one.
(John 1:1, 14)

Believing God's Word is not just putting your
trust in some printed words on the pages of
a book we call the Bible.

There is much more involved.
It is a relationship with a person, the person
behind the words.

Get to know Him through His Word.

Sowing and Reaping

LUKE 6:38,
"Give, and it shall be given unto you;
good measure, pressed down, and shaken
together, and running over, shall men give
into your bosom.
For with the same measure that ye mete
withal it shall be measured to you again."

LUKE 6:17-49
This verse reveals one of God's cardinal laws

that will work in the spiritual realm, as well
as the physical world.
Just as we "give" seed into the ground to
receive back multiple seeds, so it is with
everything we give.

Whether it's money, possessions, an emotion
such as love or hate, prayers, or our time, we
will reap a harvest of whatever we give.
We reap exactly what we sow and
proportional to the same measure that we
give (Galatians 6:7-8).

"He which soweth sparingly shall reap also
sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully
shall reap also bountifully"
(2 Corinthians. 9:6).
This law works on positive or negative things
that we sow.

Although this is an unchangeable law of God,

it can be overcome by a greater law in much
the same way that we can escape the law of
gravity by using the greater laws of thrust
and lift.

The negative things we have given don't have
to come back to us if we apply the greater
law of forgiveness (1 John. 1:9).
Likewise, the good things we have sown can
be voided if we don't continue in well doing
(Galatians. 6:9).

God is our source, but God uses people.
If we pray for finances, God is not going to
make counterfeit currency and put it into
your wallet.
He will use people to get the money to you.
So, it is not always as simple as praying for
money and receiving it the next minute.
We need to believe the Lord hears and
answers our prayers, and then pray for the
people He's going to use to deliver the
This could mean any number of people such
as our employer and the people who buy our

Ultimately God is your source, trust Him.

His Mercy

MATTHEW 12:20,
"A bruised reed shall he not break, and a
smoking flax shall he not quench, till he
send forth judgement unto victory."

MATTHEW 12:15-21,
MARK 3:7-19,
LUKE 6:12-16

One of the ways in which God's goodness is
revealed is in mercy.
We may describe mercy as the readiness of
God to relieve the misery of fallen creatures.
Many times, mercy is called compassion or

The "reed" referred to in this passage is

probably speaking of the reeds that grew in
the marshy areas in the land of Palestine.
These were very fragile and could be easily

bruised or broken.
The term "smoking flax" refers to a linen
wick which was made from flax and burned
brightly when floating on oil in an open lamp.
However, when the oil was depleted, the flax
would just smoke until the oil was replenished.

The meaning of these illustrations is that
Jesus is ministering in mercy to those who
have been bruised or broken (Luke 4:18),
and to those who have lost their oil (spirit).
He has come to fill them (Matthew 5:3;
Acts 1:5; 2:4).

The Jews were used to the judgment of the
law but Jesus came to minister grace and
truth (John. 1:17), even to the Gentiles
(Matthew 12:18, 21).

God's mercy to the believer is revealed by
His act of taking away the misery of sin's
consequences through the New Covenant
of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Salvation is given to us because of God's
It's not something we've merited or earned.
As Paul states, "Not by works of righteous-
ness which we have done, but according to
HIS MERCY He saved us" (Timothy. 3:5).

God is for you, not against you.
Cast all of your care upon Him, because His
mercy endureth forever!

The Scribes

Luke 6:7, "And the scribes and the Pharisees
watched him, whether he would heal on the
sabbath day, that they might find an
accusation against him."

MATTHEW 12:1-14;
MARK 2:23-3:6;
LUKE 6:1-11

The scribes were copiers of the holy
They preserved in written form the oral law,

and faithfully handed down the Hebrew

In New Testament times, they were students,
interpreters, and teachers of the Old
They were to teach the law, develop it and
use it in any connection with the Sanhedrin
and various local courts.
They were ambitious for honor, which they
demanded, especially from their pupils, as
well as from the general public.
This homage was paid to them
(Matthew 23:5-11).

Ezra was a scribe during the Babylonian
captivity of the Jews, and he was a very
godly man.
The office of a scribe was a worthy one, but
the scribes of Jesus' day were often rebuked
by Him for having gone beyond the job of
copying the scriptures.
They had a large volume of interpretations

that they had added to the scriptures based
on traditions, and had made "the word of God
of none effect" (Mark 7:13).

The scribes became an independent company
of interpreters of the law and leaders of the

Even they, themselves, sought to evade
certain of their own precepts.
(Matthew 23:2-4)
They clashed with Jesust because He taught
with authority and condemned the external
formalism that they caused.
(Matthew 7:28-29)

They persecuted Peter and John (Acts 4:3-7)
and had a part in Stephen's martyrdom
(Acts 6:12).

The majority opposed Christ, some did
believe (Matthew 21:15).
Jesus exposed the hypocrisy of the scribes

by dealing with issues of the heart.
They appeared to be holy outwardly, but
their hearts were far from God.
It is important for us to keep our hearts
tender and receptive to His Word, and give
ourselves to Him in worship.
Think about the good things he has done
today and be thankful.

God or Man Pleaser

John 5:43-44,
"I am come in my Father's name, and ye
receive me not: if another shall come in
his own name, him ye will receive.
How can ye believe, which receive honour
one of another, and seek not the honour that
cometh from God only?"

John 5:28-47
This is in reference to the fact that Jesus came

in the power and authority of His father to
point men to Father God.
Jesus existed before His coming on this earth
in the form of God and was equal with God.
Yet, He humbled Himself and became a
servant while here on earth (Philippians 2:6-8).

He did not come to promote Himself but to
give His life to provide the way to the Father
(John. 14:6).
In the same way, the Holy Spirit does not exalt
Himself, but points all men unto Jesus.
Jesus came totally submitted to and seeking
only to please the Father.

This is quite different from the way so called
"great men" present themselves.
The Roman Caesar of Jesus' day proclaimed
that he was God and demanded worship.
Lesser leaders ruled by exalting themselves
over the people they governed; but, Jesus
showed us that "whosoever will be great

among you, let him be your minister; and
whosoever will be chief among you, let him

be your servant: even as the Son of man came
not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and
to give his life a ransom for many".
Matthew 20:26-28

If we are concerned about what people think
in an attempt to gain their approval (or honor),
we will never take a stand in faith for anything
that might be criticized.
This one thing has probably stopped as many
people from receiving from God as anything
You cannot be a "man-pleaser" and please God
at the same time.

We must commit our all to Him - every thought,
every word, and every deed.

True Christianity

John 5:18,
"Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill
him, because he not only had broken the
sabbath, but said also that God was his
Father, making himself equal with God."

JOHN 5:16-27
When the Jewish authorities heard Jesus call

God "my (own) Father", they immediately
understood that Jesus claimed He was deity.
That claim was either blasphemy, to be

punished by death, or else Jesus was who He
claimed to be.

Jesus never associated Himself with His
disciples by using "our" Father.
He always used "my" Father, since
His relationship was unique and eternal,
whereas theirs was by grace and

Jesus said "I am from above" (John. 8:23);
"Before Abraham was, I AM" (John. 8:58);
"I and my Father are one" (John. 10:30);
"He that hath seen me hath seen the
Father" (John. 14:9);
and "I am not of the world" (John. 17:16).
He also told of His eternal pre-existence and
that He shared the Father's glory
(John.6:62; 17:5).

We can't just honor Jesus, but we have to
honor Him the same way we honor the
This is what separates true Christianity from
the religions of the world.
Most religions honor Jesus as a great man ,
but they are violently opposed to making
Jesus equal with Almighty God.
(1 John. 2:23)

The names and titles given to Jesus in John's
gospel clearly present Jesus as being equal
with God.
He is all we need Him to be.

Rest In His Love

John 5:16, "And therefore did the Jews
persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him

because he had done these things on the
sabbath day."

John 5:16-27
The Sabbath was first mentioned in Scripture

in Exodus 16, when the Lord started
miraculously providing the children of Israel
with manna in the wilderness. The Israelites

were commanded to gather twice as much
manna on the sixth day because God would
not provide any on the seventh day.

Shortly after this, the Lord commanded the
observance of the Sabbath day in the ten
commandments that were given to Moses on
Mount Sinai on the two tablets of stone
(Exodus 20:8-11).
In this command, God connected this Sabbath
day with the rest that He took on the seventh
day of creation.

As revealed in Colossians 2:16-17, the
Sabbath was symbolic.
According to Exodus 23:12, one of the
purposes of the Sabbath was to give man
and his animals one day of physical rest
each week.

Today's medical science has proven that our
bodies need at least one day of rest each
week to function at our peak.

Deuteronomy 5:15, also clearly states that
the Sabbath was to serve as a reminder to
the Jews that they had been slaves in
Egypt and were delivered from bondage,
not by their own efforts, but by the
supernatural power of God.

However, in the New Testament, there is an
even clearer purpose of the Sabbath stated.
In Colossians 2:16-17,
Paul reveals that the Sabbath was only a

shadow of things to come and is now
fulfilled in Christ.

Hebrews 4:1-11, talks about a Sabbath rest
that is available to, but not necessarily
functional in, all New Testament believers.

This New Testament Sabbath rest is simply
a relationship with God in which we have
ceased from doing things by our own efforts
and are letting God work through us
(Galatians 2:20; Hebrews 4:10).

The Sabbath is not a day, but rather a
relationship with God through Jesus.
Rest in His love.

Fruit of the Spirit

God blesses us for good behavior and
punishes us for bad behavior.
God blesses us, period, and brings for
righteousness in our lives.

"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
longsuffering, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, self-control"
Galatians 5:22-23

Fruit comes from within the tree.
It is the manifestation of the life that is
within the tree itself.

The fruit of the Spirit is not behavior
attached to our lives, it's the life of the
Spirit manifested in us.
God is not impressed with our behavior.
What we really need is for Him to live His
life in us.
He is the vine, we are the branches.
Our lives come from Him; His life flows
through us.

The Christian life is a matter of yielding
to Him.

Authorized Agents

"Your kingdom come, Your will be done on
earth as it is in heaven."
Matthew 6:10

These aren't requests; they are commands.

Kingdom of God, come!
Will of God, be done on
earth as it is in heaven!

In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus has given us the
right and power to exercise these commands.
We are authorized agents of heaven.

Wherever we see a situation on earth where
the kingdom of God is not manifesting, we
have the right to call God's kingdom forth.

Wherever we see a situation where the will
of God is not being done, where it is out of
line with heaven, we have the right and
power to call for God's will to be done.

It was God's will in Jesus' day to be done on
earth as it was in heaven.
It is God's will today for His will to be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

Heaven is a place of blessing, provision,
prosperity [streets of gold, gates of pearl],
health, safety and protection, life!

We are to call Heaven into the earth!