Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

The Unpardenable Sin

MATTHEW 12:31,
"Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin
and blasphemy shalt be forgiven unto men:
but blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall
not be forgiven unto men."

LUKE 12:10;
MATTHEW 12:24-31;
MARK 3:22-30

The word "blaspheme" means "to speak evil
of; defame; or revile."
In context, Jesus is saying that blasphemy
against the Holy Ghost is attributing the
working of the Holy Spirit to the devil.

Many people in the Bible did this, including
Saul, who became the Apostle Paul.
We see in 1 Timothy 1:13, that Paul said he
received mercy concerning his blaspnemy
because he had done it "ignorantly in


The blasphemy against the Holy Ghost
Jesus is warning against must be willfully
reviling the Holy Ghost with knowledge of
what is being done.

This parallels Hebrews 6:4-6, where
qualifications are placed on those who
can fall away from grace.
This passage indicates that only a mature
Christian can commit such a thing.

With blasphemy against the Holy Ghost,
rash statements spoken against the Holy
Spirit in ignorance or unbelief by those
who don't really know what they are doing
can be forgiven.

From our human perspective, no clear line
can be drawn as to when someone becomes
accountable for blasphemies and has
committed this unpardonable sin.

We can be assured that God knows the hearts
of all men and that He will judge righteously
concerning this.

God's Word does show us that when anyone
becomes a "reprobate," they lose all
conviction from God (Rom. 1:28).

Anyone who is convicted and repentant over
having possibly blasphemed the Holy Ghost

has not yet reached the place where it
is unpardonable or they wouldn't care.

Keep a tender heart and be sensitive to Him.
Listen to His voice speak to you through His