Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Singleness of Heart

Matthew 12:35,
"A good man out of the good treasure of the
heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil
man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth
evil things."

MATTHEW 12:32-45

Our spirit is definitely a part of our heart, but
as seen in 1 Peter 3:4, it is only a part.
Sin, iniquity, unbelief, etc., come from the
heart but not the born-again spirit.

Hebrews 4:12 suggests that spirit and soul are
both part of the heart; so, the scriptures
admonish us

to believe with all our heart (Acts 8:37),
have singleness of heart (Col. 3:22),
and tell us our hearts can have two minds or
ways of thinking (Jas. 4:8).

Even Christians still struggle with things like
pride and foolishness which Jesus said came
out of our heart.
It's certain that our born again spirit is not
the source of these sins.
The heart encompasses more than our spirit.

The English word "soul" comes from the
Greek word translated "heart, life, mind, and
The mind is the principle and leading part of
the soul, followed by the will and emotions.
We could also describe the soul as being the
hidden part of all existing beings or what
most people would call the personality.

The soul is the center of the feelings and
emotions, appetites and desires, as well as
sense perception and consciousness.
The soul may also speak of the totality of a
person - his total being or self, a person, and
the hidden man or inward man.

The soul and the body do not get born again.

It is the spirit of man that becomes totally
new at salvation.
So, although every believer receives the same
miraculous spiritual rebirth, the visible results
of that inward change will vary from person to
person according to how much he renews his

The term "heart" can include all of the inner
man - spirit, soul, or any portion thereof.
The peace of God will keep our hearts at rest
in Christ Jesus if we let Him.