Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Our Inheritance

Matthew 11:11,
"Verily I say unto you,
Among them that are born of women there

hath not risen a greater than John the
Baptist: notwithstanding, he that is least in

the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."

MATTHEW 11:2-19,
LUKE 7:18-35

Much of the Old Testament deals with future
events and the coming Messiah and His
Not only was John the Baptist the voice of God
to his generation, he was also the fulfillment
of Old Testament prophecy.
He did not merely prophesy about the coming

Messiah and the New Covenant, as the
Old Testament prophets did, but he actually

prepared the way for the hearts of the people
to receive Jesus by bearing witness to the

Although John the Baptist was the greatest
of the Old Testament prophets, he was not
a born again "new creature in Christ".

When Jesus was raised from the dead,
He enabled us to be "born of the Spirit" and
become children of God, heirs of God, and
joint-heirs with Christ.

We were enabled to become "partakers of the
divine nature" and full-fledged sons of God.
John operated under the Old Covenant when
none of these promises were yet in effect.

Jesus established a new order, "the Kingdom
of God," in which these promises became

God saw John and all of the Old Testament
prophets through the law.

The new birth is essential for entering into
the Kingdom of God.
Our spiritual man became dead unto
(separated from) God through sin.
Just as we didn't accomplish our physical
birth, we cannot produce this spiritual
We are totally incapable of saving ourselves;
therefore, we need a Savior.

We simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
and we are saved.
Salvation is not a reformation, but rather a
regeneration, a new birth, a new creation,

that can only be accomplished by a creative
miracle of the Holy Spirit.
Because of the new birth, He sees us through

Celebrate Life!