Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Our Comfort

John 14:2
"In my Father's house are many mansions:

if it were not so, I would have told you. I
go to prepare a place for you."

JOHN 14:2

This is Jesus' last teaching to His disciples
before His crucifixion.
Jesus' disciples were about to go through the
greatest test of their faith that they had ever

Jesus said that He was saying these things so
His disciples would not be offended.
Jesus was preparing them for what was to
Why then speak of preparing them a

mansion in heaven?
The reason for this was to comfort the

disciples and help them put things in

In 1 Thessalonians 4:18,
Paul tells us to comfort one another with

words about being gathered unto the Lord
in the air.

Paul said , "I reckon that the sufferings of

this present time are not worthy to be
compared with the glory which shall be
revealed in us"
(Romans 8:18).

Someday, all of our trials will seem like
nothing and this can be a great comfort to

us now.
Also, when we think about being with the

Lord through all eternity, it helps us to put
things in proper perspective.

It is easy to get fearful about our problems

and think all is lost.
However, for those of us who are born again,
if worse comes to worse, we still have the
promise of Jesus wiping all the tears from our
eyes and preparing a habitation for us where
all our former sorrows will have passed away.

This keeps us from despairing and makes us
much stronger in our faith.
In heaven, there are many dwelling places

and Jesus is preparing one for each of us.

The thing that is going to make heaven

"heaven" is the fact that we will be with
No doubt, there will be things to see and do

that will be wonderful, but nothing will
compare to being with the one who loved us
and died for us.