Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

In Adam, fallen mankind is completely unable to practice morality. The Bible says that everyone has sinned and therefore it is only fitting for everyone to be condemned and judged [Romans 5:12, 6:23].

That certain people get saved cannot be considered an injustice to those who don't. Those who don't get saved are those who condemned themselves by refusing to believe the Gospel, even though God has bestowed His unconditional love to everyone through His Gospel so that all may be saved.

Some people continue to reject the merciful love of God. Although God wants everyone to be saved and realize the Truth [Timothy 2:4], some people's hearts are so hardened that they cannot accept the truth that God chose for us in Christ according to His unconditional love and mercy.

Unless God chose us unconditionally in His love and mercy, how else could we have been save? Yet we see so many people objecting to this, saying, "if God has saved us unconditionaly, completely irrespective of our  deed, then our Christianity can easily fall into doctrinal fallacies and therefore it is a wrong presumption." They even say, "Doesn't this mean that regardless of how we live those who accept God's plan will be saved and those who don't will end up in hell?"

God's plan and blessings are given "in Christ" to all human beings without discrimination according to He merciful love. And in Christ, God preordained to fulfill everything, including the means by which the blessings are attained, through the Gospel. Therfore, it is by believing in the Gospel that we can receive these "spiritual blessings in the heavenly places" that God preordained in Christ according to His grace. 

God has empowered us to persevere and grow in the Gospel until the day the Kingdom of God is upon this earth.