Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Some Christian leaders today, say we shouldn't advise Christianity as an exclusive truth.

They argue that rather than being oriented towards "eternal life in Heaven" or "salvation," Christianity should pursue "social justice" or "the practice of love." coexisting and co-operating with other religions.

Christianity cannot stand together with the other religions of this world. The Christian Chruch is the gathering of those who believe in God's plan and His will. Such believers have faith in the will of God. The faith of a true Christian is not of his own making, but it is one that was given by God. It is placed in the plan of salvation prepared in Jesus Christ before the foundation of the world and therefore was given by God. 

A true Christian is someone who unlike those who belong to the world, has received the spiritual blessings that belong to Heaven. True Christians's faith is one that is placed in Jesus who has delivered them from the sins of this world through the Gospel.