Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Remember, those who have received spiritual blessings are those who believe in the Gospel. Once we receive through such faith, these spiritual blessings in Heaven, then our perspectives on life, on society and  on the world will be properly established.  

While we the believers are now walking the  path of strangers, our citizenship is in Heaven. Therefore we can never be like the world, nor can we follow its examples. Although the saints are living in this world, they are not rooted in this world. Their home is the Kingdom of Heaven and their blessings are the blessings that belong to Heaven.

These spiritual blessings are the blessings that come from a proper relationship with God, by believing in the Gospel. Such blessings flow from faith, which is simple to the saints who are walking on the path as a stranger. While we can very well skip a meal, we cannot live even for a day unless we think of God's righteousness in our hearts and thank Him for it. 

Our hearts' true satisfaction and joy are not  in possessing many material belongings of the world but far from it, they come because we have faith in our hearts that we have been saved through the Gospel.