Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

In the hearts of those who believe in the Gospel and belong to God's Church, there is the faith that helps them to overcome the world [1 John 5:4-5]. Those who are inside God's Church have no sin in their hearts. Only in the Gospel is there the Word of salvation that helps us to receive the remission of sins.

If our faith has failed to blot out our hearts sin, we should realize that the problem is with the gospel
in which we believe, then we must return to the Gospel Truth.

Our problem of faith lies in the fact that we either do not know the Gospel, or we do not believe it. The cause of our problem of faith does not lie with the Lord, nor does it lie with the Gospel that the Lord has given us. But the problem of faith lies in our failure to know and believe in it properly, and the fact that our heart still remains sinful.