Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

To prevent any misunderstanding, Paul put the word "spiritual" before the word "blessings" to be received by the saints.

When we think of "blessings," we often think of material blessings first. Like wealth, high social status and power, which come to our minds, thinking of the property, prestige and power that reflect "social values".

But the blessings that are mentioned here do not refer to the blessings that belong to the world. Worldly blessings are crude. This does not mean that the saints have no material needs in this world. It does mean that no saint should take such material gains as his ultimate goal and thirst after them.

The Holy Spirit working in our lives tells us that our faith in the Gospel is the right faith. The Holy Spirit makes us think of heavenly affairs rather than worldly affairs. Our proper faith is to believe in all the Word of God in the Gospel and to seek after a life that walks with the Lord.