Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

We need  to realize that the cause of corruption and secularization in many of today's churches is because it seeks an empty faith that is built on false gospels and doctrines. It is obvious that with such mistaken beliefs, the churches cannot clean up the wickedness of this world.

Today we still see legalists around who are only too quick to provide excuses, rather than repenting of their mistaken faiths.

The worldly church remains so incapable of providing any solutions to overcome the problems of the Christians who have resigned themselves, saying, "Everyone is bound to be swept away by the sins of this world."

That's why today's youth exposed to sin are leaving the church in droves and why the church has increasingly been left with a hardened generation.

Remember that it is only in the Gospel that the Church can solve the problems of a sinful world.