Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Breath of God

The breath of God is one, not many.
The same breath God breathed into Adam's
nostrils is the same breath He breathes out
His Word and causes things to be.

After God created Adam, He set Adam to work.
He brought the animals to him to see what he
would call them. Genesis 2:19.
With the breath of God, Adam was to breathe
words and name the animals.
By naming them he was calling what they
were to be and do.

God didn't tell Adam what to call the animals.
He only gave Adam the breath and the
authority to name them.
Then He stepped back to watch what Adam
would call them.

God operates in the world by the Word of His
breath and that is what He created man to do.
He expects man to come into agreement with
His Word.
God has created us to call thing which do not
exist as though they did.
We must explore the Word of God to discover
the promises of God and what His will is.
Then we are to open our mouths and start
calling them in agreement with Him.

It doesn't matter whether we can see them,
feel them or experience them.
We are to just keep calling them as if they
already exist and they will eventually
appear, because everything must eventually
line up with the Word of God.