Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.


Jesus was by the Sea of Galilee when Jairus,
a ruler of the synagogue, came and asked
Him to come and heal his daughter.

This man had faith and Jesus started off to

the house with him.
Along the way, a woman came to touch

Jesus to receive healing in her body.
This caused a commotion. Mark 5:21-34.

If that wasn't enough to shake Jairus, at that
time his servants came from his house and
told him that his daughter was dead and not
to trouble the master any longer.

But when Jesus heard their words He turned
immediately to Jairus and said, "Do not be
afraid, only believe" Mark 5:36.

Jairus was suddenly faced with a choice, one
that meant the difference between life and
death: he could listen to the words of his
servants and enter into fear; or he could
continue listening to the words of Jesus and
stay in faith.

If he had listened to the words of fear, his
daughter would have died.
But Jesus didn't want that to happen,
because He had already agreed to go with
Jairus and heal his daughter. He wasn't
going to go back on His word, He intended
on making her well.

Jairus chose faith.
He wouldn't let the words of others contra-
dict the Word of God and get him over into
fear. He wasn't going to weaken his faith.

Faith and fear can't be mixed.
We always have a choice.
Listen to the Word of God.
Let it fill our hearts then meditate on it
Rebuke the voices of fear, when the
enemy whispers the lies of the devil.
Don't let fear steal faith and rob the
miracle that belongs to us.
Only believe!