Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Faith Comes By Hearing 1

"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the
Word of God."
Romans 10:17

Biblical faith is believing what God has said.
This means that faith is built into the Word
of God.
If it is not related to the Word, then by
definition it is not faith.

According to Paul's statement above, which
he addressed to the Christians at Rome,
there is a particular way which faith comes
to a person.
There are also particular ways in which faith
does not come.

Faith does not come by seeing.
Paul said, "We walk by faith, not by sight."
2 Corinthians 5:7

Some say, they will believe it when they see
But the eyes can easily deceive us.
So faith must come first, then the seeing.
We do not see in order to believe, we believe
in order to see.

Faith does not come by feeling.
Faith is not an emotion.
Real faith endures even when the emotions
Emotions do not lead us into faith, but faith
leads us into healthy emotions.

Faith does not come by thinking.
Faith is not a matter of the mind, but of the
Faith is not different to thinking, logic or
reasoning, but it does transcend them.
Faith goes beyond where our limited thoughts
can take us.
We do not understand in order to believe, we
believe in order to understand.

Faith does not come by will-power.
Faith is not a matter of choice. It is not a
choice we make, although it may involve a
It is not about believing whatever one wants
to believe.
Faith driven by will-power may be very
sincere and yet be sincerely wrong.
Faith must have a proper basis.
We do not make something true by choosing
to believe it, we discover the correct choice
by believing the Word of God.