Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.

Faith is a Spiritual Law

The Bible says that "Abraham believed in the
Lord and He accounted it to him for righteous
Genesis 15:6

Just as faith made Abraham right with God,
it will do the same for you and me when we
believe God, because faith is a spiritual law.

Hebrews 11 is often called the "Hall of Fame
for Faith."
That is because it features many Old
Testament heroes who accomplished mighty
feats by faith.
If we want to see how faith will work for us,
we can study this chapter to see how faith
worked for them.
Faith will work for us in the same way it
worked for them.

The principles of faith will work exactly the
same for us as it did for them.
Sometimes we may fail to use faith properly,
or to remain firm in our faith, but faith itself
will never fail us.

We must grab the principle of Faith, believe
God's promises and see how they will change
our world.
Faith is a spiritual law that will work for
anyone, every time.