Dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved us, gave Himself for us, and washed us from our sins in His own Blood; and to the Church, which is His body.


When we are unwilling to forgive, we are
actually unwilling to love and unwilling to
give to others that which God has so freely
given to us.

Forgiveness is an opportunity to draw closer
to the Father and clear away things that keep
us from moving forward in faith.
We can forgive, because He forgives us and

He helps us to forgive.
Failure to forgive is a major hinderance to

Faith requires forgiveness and forgiveness
requires faith.

We can't let offenses, snares and stumbling
blocks keep us from moving ahead in faith.
Instead, we need to let our faith help us to

When we encounter the mountains of
offenses, we are to cast them into the sea
with the words: "I forgive."
Do this as often as the need arises!

Then move into the wonderful destiny God
has prepared for us.